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City Council meeting of June 8, 1999 <br />Page 4 <br />140TH STREET SIDEWALK <br />The City Engineer reported to the Council that he had, at the Council's request, reviewed the feasibility <br />of constructing a concrete sidewalk along the north side of 140th Street, between Finale Avenue and <br />TH61. Due to the presence of the high voltage powerline in this alignment, as well as the narrow road <br />easement, he stated that it would not be possible to construct a sidewalk at this location at this time. <br />Council member Petryk stated her support of continuing with a concrete sidewalk along the south side of <br />140th Street in lieu of a wider bituminous bike path. She also indicated that the concrete sidewalk along <br />the south side was currently in construction plans for the improvement of this roadway. <br />1998 BRIDGE REPORT <br />The City Engineer reviewed a bridge report prepared by OSM, as required annually be the State of <br />Minnesota. The report indicated concern for two (2) bridges in the community. A substantial amount of <br />maintenance or replacement will be required on the concrete bridge crossing JD2 at Forest Blvd. The <br />bridge is old and in deteriorating condition. The Council indicated they wish to consider this matter at a <br />future meeting. The other bridge concern was the 129th Street crossing of the outlet of Bald Eagle Lake. <br />The City Engineer indicated that the necessary repairs to the bridge will be made as part of the 129th <br />Street improvement project scheduled for this year. <br />1999 STREET MAINTENANCE PROGRAM <br />The City Administrator provided the Council a map and description of cost estimate for street <br />maintenance work proposed for 1999, including sealcoating, crackfilling, and regraveling of City roads. <br />The Council indicated that they wish to conduct a road tour of the community following hiring of the <br />City's new maintenance supervisor. The City Administrator stated that he will provide the Council with <br />the proposed bid forms for the City's 1999 graveling contract at the next meeting for approval. <br />BID AUTHORIZATION (1999 GRAVEL CONTRACT) <br />Staff seeks Council approval to seek bids for approximately 19,000 tons of Class 5 aggregate to be <br />spread on approximately nine (9) miles of City roadway in accordance with the enclosed graveling plan. <br />148TH STREET CONDITION REPORT <br />148th Street, east of Francesca Avenue is likely to be a cause for concern in the near future. The City <br />Engineer stated that he had inspected the street, and that it was suffering from severe wear. The Council <br />took the report under advisement. <br />1999/2000 ROAD MAINTENANCE CONTRACT <br />The Council received the proposed contract between the City of Hugo and Washington County Public <br />Works Department for the provision of road maintenance services to the community in the upcoming <br />year. <br />