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City Council meeting of June 8, 1999 <br />Page S <br />Barnes made motion, Haas seconded, to approve the 1999/2000 Road Maintenance Contract with <br />Washington County Public Works. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PROPOSED COUNCIL/PLANNING CON aMSION/PARK COMMISSION MEETING <br />The City's Planning Commission and Parks Commission requested a joint meeting with the City Council <br />to discuss the roles and responsibilities of the City's various Commissions. Kathy Marier, Chairperson of <br />the Parks Commission,. was present to indicate.the interest of the Commission's for such a meeting. The <br />City Administrator recommended that the Council first meet to hold a workshop to discuss its roles and <br />responsibilities within the community. The Council indicated that such a meeting may be held on July 26, <br />1999. <br />COUNCIL REQUEST <br />Councilman Leroux stated that he would appreciate receiving the minutes of regular Council meetings as <br />soon as possible after they are prepared, and prior to the next Council packet, which is the current policy. <br />GOOD NEIGHBOR DAYS (PARADE COMMITTEE) <br />The Council discussed a request from the Good Neighbor Days Parade Committee to participate in the <br />annual parade. The Council agreed to jointly prepare a float and participate in the event, which is <br />scheduled for 6:00 pm, June 11, 1999. <br />MORATORIUM ORDINANCE <br />Mayor Stoltzman stated that after additional consideration, that scheduling of a public hearing on the <br />proposed moratorium ordinance would be inappropriate at this time, given that the ordinance to be <br />considered has not yet been completed. The ordinance needs to be very specific and state the City's <br />reasons for considering a moratorium. Council member Petryk stated her concerns that the consideration <br />of the moratorium ordinance not be unduly delayed. <br />Stoltzman made motion, Barnes seconded, to rescind the public hearing date for the interim ordinance as <br />currently established for July 6, 1999. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Leroux, Stoltzman <br />VOTING NAY: Haas and Petryk <br />Motion Carried. <br />CLOSED SESSION <br />Stoltzman made motion, Barnes seconded, to move the City Council meeting into executive session in <br />order to discuss the proposed letter, prepared by Mr. Paul Haik, the attorney representing the City in its <br />litigation with the RCWD over JD2. All aye. Motion Carried. <br />