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City Council meeting of June 21, 1999 <br />Page 4 <br />130TH/140TH STREET EWPROVEMENT PROJECT (PLAN AND SPECS) <br />Barnes made motion, Leroux seconded, to accept the City Engineer's plans and specifications for the <br />improvement of the 130th Street and 140th Street crossings of the Burlington Northern railroad tracks, <br />and authorize to advertise for bids on the project. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Stoltzman made motion, Leroux seconded, to move the Council meeting into executive session to <br />discussion litigation with the RCWD over JD2 with attorney Paul Haik. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />At approximately 11:17 pm, the Council reconvened from executive session. <br />Barnes made motion, Stoltzman seconded, to recess tonight `s meeting at 11:18 pm until June 28, <br />1999, at 7:00 pm. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />,0� &�� <br />icity <br />reager <br />