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City Council meeting of August 16, 1999 <br />Page 3 <br />TOWNHOMES OF BALD EAGLE <br />At the request of the developer, the City Council tabled action of the proposed preliminary plat for <br />Townhomes of Bald Eagle until this evening's meeting. Council member Petryk stated objection to the <br />development having private roads, thereby bypassing the City's front yard setback requirements. She <br />was also concerned with the fact that no landscape plan or traffic analysis had been submitted. Mike <br />Black, representing Royal Oaks Development, stated that they would be willing to pay a "fair share" for <br />installation of signals at a determined intersection and whatever storm water fees were determined. <br />Petryk made motion to table discussion of this matter until the following matters were addressed: 1) <br />traffic analysis provided; 2) landscape plan provided; and 3) submitted of a phasing program. <br />Motion failed for lack of second. <br />Haas made motion, Stoltzman seconded, to approve the Findings and Recommendations as <br />recommended by the Planning Commission on July 28, 1999, with the following changes to <br />RECOMMENDATIONS: <br />1. Add Item 11: The City shall require a 30' front yard setback along Europa Trail. <br />2. Add Item 12: A detailed traffic analysis be provided to determine the appropriate cost sharing <br />for transportation infrastructure. <br />Haas made motion, Stotlzman seconded, to amend the previous motion to include: <br />Item 8 shall read: The loop roads identified abutting Europa Trail and 132nd Street, and the cul-de- <br />sac from Europa Trail, shall be public streets. <br />VOTE ON AMENDMENT: All aye. Motion Carried. <br />VOTE ON ORIGINAL MOTION: All aye. Motion Carried. <br />WENZEL FARMS PUD PERMIT <br />FINDINGS OF FACT (WENZEL FARMS PHASE 1) <br />Stoltzman made motion, Petryk seconded, to table these matters until the Council meeting of 9/7/99. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />GREENE AVENUE P"ROVEMENTS <br />Develop Rocky Goertz presented the Council a revised estimate for improvements road that was <br />$24,000 higher than his previous estimate. The Administrator stated that the Council had only three <br />options to resolve this issue: 1) Proceed with road construction at $60,000 with the City picking up <br />$40,000 of the cost; 2) proceed with the assessment process (Chapter 429); or 3) instruct the developer <br />to install an urban on the west side and a rural section on the east side of Greene Avenue. <br />