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City Council meeting of September 20, 1999 <br />Page 3 <br />CAPTAIN DON MCGLOTHLIN <br />Captain McGlothlin stated that the City's fourth deputy will start in the City on October 1, 1999. He <br />will provide the Council with some background information on all deputies working in the City. <br />JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT (OLD SCHOOL PARKING LOT) <br />At the Council meeting of August 16, 1999, the Council approved the concept of the County <br />constructing a parking lot on the site of the old school house, for the purpose of serving the Hardwood <br />Creek Trail constructed along Forest Blvd. The Council reviewed a draft Joint Powers Agreement, <br />between the City of Hugo and Washington County, to allow the construction of the parking lot on City <br />property. The Council would like to review construction plans prior to entering into the Agreement. <br />The Administrator also felt that the City should determine curb and gutter locations for the parking sites. <br />Leroux made motion, Barnes seconded, that a letter be sent to Tim Luger stating that the Council would <br />like to review construction plans prior to entering into the JPA, and that the Agreement be changed to <br />reflect that the City would likvontrol locations for the sites. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />LIQUOR LICENSE VIOLATIONS <br />The City Attorney identified two businesses, selling liquor in the City of Hugo, that have failed alcohol <br />compliance checks done by the Washington County Sheriffs Office. This is the second violation of the <br />state's minimum drinking age requirement by Ricci's. Previously, the Council authorized staff to <br />negotiate and prepare a Stipulation Agreement, between the offending license holder and the City, for <br />payment of a civil penalty. <br />Barnes made motion, Leroux seconded, authorizing preparation of a Stipulation Agreement, between <br />the Blacksmith Lounge and the City, for a first-time offense. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Barnes made motion, Haas seconded, that the City hold an administrative hearing for Ricci's, because of <br />their second violation. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MORATORIUM WORK PLAN <br />The Council considered a memorandum, prepared by the City Administrator, recommending a work plan <br />to complete the studies identified in the City's moratorium ordinance. Council member Petryk felt it <br />important that the Council participate in the selection of a professional planning firm that will assist the <br />Planning Commission in their review of land -use issues. <br />