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City Council meeting of September 20, 1999 <br />Page 4 <br />Stoltzman made motion, Leroux seconded, that the Council proceed with the moratorium work plan, <br />and direct the City Administrator to contact several professional planning firms in effort to find one to <br />work with the Planning Commission, at a cost not to exceed $5,000. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Haas, Leroux, Stoltzman <br />VOTING NAY: Petryk <br />Motion Carried. <br />SIGN REQUEST (GALLIVAN) <br />The City received a letter from Mr. Mike Gallivan, 12493 Forest Boulevard, regarding a sign advertising <br />his business located at the above address. Mr. Gallivan would like to reconstruct the sign, which is a <br />nonconforming use in the City's urban residential zoning district. The City's zoning ordinance does not <br />allow the type of sign proposed as a principal, accessory, or conditional use in the urban residential <br />zoning district. Hugo City Code, Chapter 320, Section 8.9, states, "a variance may not be granted for <br />any use not permitted in the subject zoning district, nor shall a variance be granted instead of a required <br />Conditional Use Permit." Staff believes that a variance or Conditional Use Permit may not be issued by <br />the City for the type of sign requested by Mr. Gallivan in the urban residential zoning district. Hugo <br />City Code, Chapter 320, Section 1.7, states that, "the lawful nonconforming use may not be enlarged or <br />expanded except in compliance with the ordinance, and lawful nonconforming structures may be <br />maintained and repaired to the extent that such maintenance or repair does not enlarge the <br />nonconforming use, nor exceed in value 49% of its market value prior to the repairs or maintenance <br />being undertaken." Under Hugo City Code, Chapter 320, Section 6.61(p), a sign that becomes <br />"dilapidated, worn out, unreadable, unsafe, hazardous, or redundant", must be removed from the <br />property. Mr. Gallivan appeared before the Council, and was informed that the only way to accomplish <br />his request would be to rezone his property or amend the existing ordinance. Mr. Gallivan will contact <br />the City's assessor to determine what impact rezoning would have on his taxes. <br />129TH STREET UTILITY EASEMENTS <br />City staff has attempted to acquire the necessary easements to construct the proposed sanitary sewer and <br />municipal water improvements to the area along the north side of Bald Eagle Lake. The City has been <br />successful in obtaining easements from four property owners, and has applied to the County for an <br />easement across a fifth parcel. The City has not been able to obtain voluntary easements from those <br />properties owned by Robert McElmury and Glen Rehbein. Robert McElmury, owner of Bobber's, <br />addressed the Council stating that he would like to rezone his property to allow him to be opened during <br />the winter. If not allowed to be opened in the winter, he will sell his property to the DNR. <br />Stoltzman made motion, Barnes, directing the City Attorney to obtain the easements required for the <br />129th Street improvement project, exercising the City's right of eminent domain. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Haas, Leroux, Stoltzman <br />VOTING NAY: Petryk <br />Motion Carried. <br />