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City Council meeting of December 6, 1999 <br />Page 4 <br />members Petryk and Barnes agreed to work with the City Attorney in an effort to assimilate whatever <br />data could legally be provided to Hugo residents. The City's 2000 budget will officially be adopted at the <br />Council meeting of December 13, 1999. <br />METROPOLITAN COUNCIL DISCUSSION (MARK HUGUNIM <br />Mr. Mark Hugunin, the area's representative from Metropolitan Council, was in attendance at the <br />meeting to discuss construction of the Centerville sewer interceptor, the location of the metering station <br />on this sewer main, as well as other matters of interest between the City and Met Council. Mr. Hugunin <br />also solicited for a Council representative to serve on a committee of local communities to approach <br />MnDOT in a concerted effort to have speed limits reduced on certain roads. Council member Petryk to <br />serve on such a committee. <br />VARIANCE (WUSSLER) <br />Mr. Jack Wussler, 1319 Hewitt Avenue, St. Paul, requested a variance to Hugo City Code, Chapter 263, <br />to construct an individual sewage treatment system on Lot 6, Block 1, Oakshore Park subdivision, <br />without a second drainfield location. Mr. Wussler's argument is that this area is scheduled for <br />improvement by municipal sewer and water service, making the need for a second location unnecessary. <br />This matter was scheduled for consideration before the Board of Adjustments at their meeting of <br />November 17, 1999, but due to lack of a quorum, no recommendation was provided to the Council. <br />Council member Petryk felt that the variance should be approved as Mr. Wussler bought the lot in good <br />faith assuming that sewer and water would be constructed; residence would be occupied by one person. <br />Councilman Leroux stated the need for a 10' - 12' separation between the driveway and the septic <br />evaporation area. <br />Leroux made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve the variance request of Jack Wussler to construct an <br />individual sewage treatment system on Lot 6, Block 1, Oakshore Park, without a second drainfield <br />location; hardship being wetlands surrounding the property and public improvements imminent within ten <br />years. <br />Discussion continued regarding the drainage swale to be located on the property relative to design, <br />RCWD permit, and who would pay for construction of the ditch. <br />Haas made motion, Barnes seconded, to table this matter and direct staff to obtain a response from the <br />DNR regarding the ditch; clarification of letter of January 6, 1994, and Item 4, page 3, of Jeff Lutz's <br />memo of 11/8/99. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />HOUSING PLAN <br />The Council considered the City's draft housing plan for the community, as required by the Metropolitan <br />Land Planning Act. This plan was subject to a public hearing by the PC at their meeting of November 17, <br />1999, at which time they recommended approval of the plan for submission to Met Council. <br />