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City Council meeting of December 6, 1999 <br />Page 5 <br />Barnes made motion, Petryk seconded, to include discussion of this matter at one of the Council's <br />December workshops. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MEETING WITH LIQUOR LICENSE HOLDERS <br />The Council considered a letter from Mr. Raymond Bogatty, requesting the Council reconsider its action <br />on November 1, 1999, when the Council imposed a $2,000 fine against Ricci's of Hugo, Inc., for a <br />second violation of the City's liquor license ordinance. Also considered was a letter from the City <br />Attorney regarding a call he received from Mr. Bogatty on the same issue. Council members have been <br />approached by Mr. Bogatty and other liquor license holders in the City requesting to discuss enforcement <br />of this provision of the City's liquor ordinance. Mayor Stoltzman and Councilman Leroux agreed to <br />meet with license holders to listen to their concerns. <br />Barnes made motion, Haas seconded, authorizing Wally Stoltzman and Tim Leroux to work with liquor <br />license holders to listen to their concerns, and assist in implementing guidelines for violation penalties. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Haas, Petryk, Stoltzman <br />ABSTAINED: Tim Leroux <br />Motion Carried. <br />130TH STREET LIFT STATION EASEMENT <br />Because property owners had not responded to several letters. staff recommended that the Council direct <br />the City Attorney to begin acquisition of the easements necessary for construction of the 130th Street lift <br />station and related sewer main. City staff had made attempts to acquire the necessary easements for <br />direct purchase, but these efforts have proved unsuccessful making it necessary to acquire the additional <br />easements along 130th Street for construction of the project. <br />Barnes made motion, Leroux seconded, that the City Attorney start the 90 -day quick take of the Peltier <br />and Arcand property to obtain easements necessary for construction of the 130th Street lift station. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />BEAVER PONDS 5TH ADDMON (DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT) <br />The Council considered the Development Agreement for Beaver Ponds 5th Addition. Staff <br />recommended approval of the Agreement as presented. There was discussion as to whether the City <br />should approve the Development Agreement prior to obtaining the easements for the lift station. <br />Attorney Snyder felt that the Agreement should be signed to prove there was "public purpose" in the <br />quick -take of the property. The Council also requested that the following be added to the Agreement: 1) <br />approval of Minnesota Pipeline, and hold harmless clause. <br />