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City Council meeting of February 2, 1998 <br />Page 3 <br />Commuter Rail Issue <br />At their meeting of January 20, 1998, the City Council tabled discussion until this <br />evening's meeting on a report provided by the City Administrator regarding the potential <br />for commuter rail service along Forest Boulevard. Senator Laidig stated that he will <br />contact individuals know to him to determine the status of the issue so that Hugo can <br />proceed with "business". <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT (5444140TH STREET) <br />William D. Lowell, 5444 140th Street, requested a Special Use Permit for his commercial <br />building at the above address to allow 4,920 square feet of exterior storage to maintain <br />building supplies on the property, as well as operating a body shop business in the existing <br />7,800 square foot building on the property. The two acre property is zoned and guided <br />for industrial use. The Planning Commission conducted a hearing on the proposed Special <br />Use Permit on January 28, 1998, and recommended approval of the Special Use Permit <br />subject to the following conditions: <br />1. No torch or open flame will be allowed within the building. <br />2. Additional open fencing and landscaping will be constructed on the north and west <br />property boundaries no later than July 1, 1998, in order to screen the exterior storage, <br />and other activities on the site, from view of adjacent residential properties. Said <br />screening and landscaping shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning <br />Commission. <br />3. The address of the property be changed to reflect its location off Finale Avenue North. <br />4. Exterior storage at the site will be confined to building materials only. <br />5. Any exterior storage of motor vehicles, operable or inoperable, on the site will rescind <br />the SUP. <br />6. Hours of operation for businesses on the site shall be limited as follows: Monday <br />through Friday, 7:OOAM to 9:OOPM; Saturdays, 7:OOAM to 5:OOPM; Sundays, <br />9:OOAM to 3:OOPM. <br />7. This permit shall be issued for one year, at which time it may be considered for <br />renewal upon application by the property owners. <br />Adjacent property owners commented on the business: fencing in need of repair; torch <br />used, and cars painted, in building without benefit of proper firewalls or painting booth; <br />operating late at night; noise; no evidence of an exhaust system; questioned "legitimacy" <br />of business; and cars racing on road late at night. The Council then reviewed each <br />Planning Commission condition listed above. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, to table this matter until the Council meeting of <br />February 17, 1998 to allow the City Attorney time to draft the revised conditions. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />