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City Council meeting of February 2, 1998 <br />Page 4 <br />WHITE BEAR COUNSELING CENTER <br />Julie Williams, Director of the White Bear Lake Counseling Center, was present at the <br />meeting to discuss her concerns regarding the proposed reduction of City's funding for the <br />Center. The City is proposing to reduce contribution to the Center from $12,330 to <br />$3,000. The Council was unable to give her a definitive "yes" or "no" to the reduction <br />until after a meeting between City officials and the Washington County Sheriffs <br />Department, and adoption of a resolution reducing the general fund budget. <br />1998 GENERAL FUND BUDGET AMENDMENT <br />In response to Council direction of January 21, 1998, the Council considered a resolution <br />transferring $50,000 from specified accounts in the City's 1998 budget to a new account <br />to be known as a Fire Hall Capital Improvement Fund. <br />Leroux made motion, Goiffon seconded, to table action on this matter until after a meeting <br />with the Washington County Sheriffs Department to discuss possible reduction in deputy <br />services. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />INDYKIEWICZ (REZONING) <br />Mr. George A. Indykiewicz, 1920 West Highway 96, Arden Hills, requested the rezoning <br />of approximately 165 acres from AG to SFU. The property is located in the NW quadrant <br />of Forest Boulevard at approximately 155th Street. The Hugo Planning Commission <br />conducted a public hearing on an ordinance to allow the rezoning at their meeting of Jan <br />28, 1998, at which time the Planning Commission recommended approval of the zoning <br />based on the following: <br />1. The requested amendment is in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Land Use <br />Plan for the area. <br />2. Proposed Zoning Classification is appropriate for the property given the topographic, <br />environmental, and cultural limitations of the site. <br />3. Existing public infrastructure is adequate to handle the development which can <br />reasonably be foreseen on the site. <br />4. The boundaries of the City's MUSA may be extended to the site on approval of final <br />plat for the property. <br />5. Proposed zoning classification will not have unreasonable negative impacts on adjacent <br />properties. <br />Jeff Shopek, engineer for the project, and Dennis Backes, the developer, were presented <br />