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MINUTES FOR THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 13.1998 <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fran Miron at 7:3 SPM. <br />PRESENT: Arcand, Barnes, Goiffon, Leroux, Miron <br />City Administrator, Robert Museus <br />City Engineer, Tom Angus <br />City Finance Director, Ron Otkin <br />Water Resource Engineer, Pete Willenbring <br />Ehlers and Associates, Rusty Fifield <br />Trossen and Wright Architects, Pete Villard <br />The meeting was called to provide an in -progress review of the Bald Eagle Industrial Park <br />expansion project and related activity. The City Administrator provided an overview of <br />the goals and objectives established for the Park -expansion project. <br />Peter Villard, the project manager for construction of the City's new Fire Hall, updated <br />the Council on the status of the project, as well as the work being performed by the Fire <br />Hall Building Committee. He stated that the Committee believed that concrete block <br />construction with an exterior insulated and finished system is the most cost-effective <br />construction technique for the facility. He presented the Council with a site plan for the <br />building, as well as a computer-generated drawing of the building's expected appearance. <br />The architect's current estimate for construction costs is between $784,000 <br />and $836,000. The "soft" costs for furnishings, professional services, site preparation, <br />permits, etc., will add approximately 22% to the project cost. <br />Rusty Fifield, Ehlers and Associates, presented his firm's recommendations for financing <br />of both Fenway Boulevard and expansion of the Industrial Park. Ehlers is recommending <br />that the City issue two bonds: a $985,000 GO temporary improvement bonds for the <br />construction of Fenway Boulevard. These would be tax exempt bonds. The second bond <br />series issued would be $1,825,000 taxable GO temporary tax increment bonds for the <br />acquisition of property and improvements in the Industrial Park. These would be taxable <br />bonds and thus carry a higher interest rate than the GO improvement bonds. Mr. Fifield <br />indicated that the expected assessments to be made for the Fenway Boulevard project <br />should be sufficient to cover the debt service requirements for the GO improvement <br />bonds. Repayment of the tax increment bond is subject to the sale of property and <br />generation of tax increment in the Industrial Park. <br />Goiffon made motion, Leroux seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1998-12, A <br />RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF $985,000 GENERAL <br />OBLIGATION TEMPORARY IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 1998B AND <br />$1,825,000 TAXABLE GENERAL OBLIGATION TEMPORARY TAX INCREMENT <br />BONDS, SERIES 1998C. <br />VOTING AYE: Arcand, Barnes, Goiffon, Leroux, Miron <br />Motion Carried. <br />