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City Council meeting of June 15, 1998 <br />Page 3 <br />PUBLIC HEARING (TRAFFIC ORDINANCE AMENDMENT) <br />A public hearing was held to consider adopting an ordinance amending Chapter 180 of the Hugo City <br />Code entitled "Motor Vehicle and Traffic" by amending and repealing portions of the ordinance and <br />establishing weight restrictions on City streets, road, and other public ways. The public hearing was <br />opened, and there were no oral or written comments. <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, to adopt ORDINANCE 1998-322, AN ORDINANCE <br />AMENDING AND REPEALING PORTIONS OF CHAPTER 180 AND ESTABLISHING WEIGHT <br />RESTRICTIONS ON CITY STREETS, ROADS, AND OTHER PUBLIC WAYS. <br />VOTING AYE: Arcand, Barnes, Goiffon, Miron <br />Motion Carried. <br />AMENDED SPECIAL USE PERMIT (BESA) <br />The Bald Eagle Sportsman Association, 6517 125th Street, requested to amend their SUP to operate a <br />firing range on the property; specifically, they are requesting to reestablish a 200 -yard shooting range with <br />six shooting stations, allow the use of muzzleloaders, and amend Condition #8 of the existing SUP to <br />allow operation of the range on six consecutive Sundays, prior to the opening of the Minnesota deer <br />season. A public hearing on this request was held by the Hugo Planning Commission on May 27, 1998, at <br />which time the PC recommended the following: <br />I. That Condition #8 of the SUP be amended to allow operation of the range on six consecutive Sundays <br />immediately prior to the opening of Minnesota deer season, from the hours of I LOOAM to 5:OOPM. <br />2. The PC made no recommendation, due to a split vote, on the re-establishment of the 200 -foot <br />shooting range. <br />3. The PC made no recommendation, due to a split vote, on the use of muzzleloaders at the facility. <br />Although public comment was heard at the PC meeting, Mayor Miron allowed comments regarding the <br />request. Neighbors were not opposed to the Sunday request, but disapproved of the muzzleloaders and <br />the 200 -yard range. Other comments in opposition: noise unbearable; SWAT team noise unbearable <br />(rapid fire); clean up what they have rather than allow expansion; Club violates City's nuisance ordinance: <br />change in operation would attract more members; have complained for years with no relief; impulsive <br />noise; plan homelife around Club's shooting schedule. Comments supporting requests/Club: db samples <br />from various sites indicate that guns are less noisy than other rural noise; Hugo residents use Club, hears <br />the noise from a distance, and has no problem with the noise; Hugo resident feels it is our heritage to have <br />a place to shoot guns; a place to take my family to a controlled facility, and necessary to have a place like <br />this; noise not loud as I drive by, trains make more noise; Hugo resident who uses Club stated shouldn't <br />build next to a gun club if they don't like the noise; member was hoping to keep family tradition of use a <br />muzzleloaders; Hugo resident dealt with daily noise from Oneka Ridge, and felt that Club provided a <br />community service by providing safety training. <br />Miron made motion, Goiffon seconded, to approve the request of the BESA and amend Condition #8 of <br />their SUP to allow six (6) Sundays ending with the Sunday closest to the Minnesota Deer Season Opener. <br />Sunday hours shall be from 11:OOam to 5:OOpm. All aye. Motion Carried. <br />