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JOINT COUNCIL MEETING JULY 29, 1998 <br />intersection. He noted the business and industrial development area around the I- <br />35W/Lake Drive area and particularly the new Town Center with the Civic Complex. Mr. <br />Wessel said that he, and other City staff, are interested to hear what is happening at our <br />eastern and southern boundaries. He thanked everyone for coming and participating in <br />this discussion. <br />Mr. Wessel explained the City will be continuing its commercial and industrial focus in <br />the Clearwater Creek Business Center. To the south of Cedar Street, residential growth <br />will continue its trend. He noted the R -BR district to the north of Main Street and <br />explained how that area would maintain its rural character for the present and then would <br />be rezoned for business use as commercial and industrial areas south of Main Street are <br />completed. <br />Drafting of the Lino Lakes comprehensive plan began about two (2) years ago with the <br />establishment of the Comprehensive Plan Task Force. This group consists of various <br />residents in the community, members of City boards and commissions and staff. Mr. <br />Wessel is the staff liaison. He explained that the comprehensive plan draft will be <br />presented to the City Council this fall and to Metropolitan Council later this fall. <br />Mr. Wessel continued his presentation, referring to the area south of Cedar Street and <br />noted that a proposal to'include some townhouse development along the Hugo border has <br />been presented to the Task Force for their consideration. This development would be near <br />the "greenway". The City is in the process of preparing an environmental inventory and <br />would be most concerned about protecting some "green" areas. On the west side of I -35E, <br />the Task Force is also looking at a proposal to provide medium density housing as a <br />buffer to the freeway. These suggestions are currently being studied by the Task Force <br />and they could change. <br />Mr. Wessel explained how the City is planning to realign Otter Lake Road through the <br />Clearwater Business Center. This will take the Main Street/Otter Lake Road intersection <br />further to the east and eliminate the current dangerous intersection. The construction on <br />the realignment will begin this fall. <br />Mr. Kern presented a brief overview of the proposed transportation plan. He noted that <br />the classification of the Lino Lakes highways will continue to be consistent with the State <br />of Minnesota and County of Anoka classification of highways. Lake Drive is expected to <br />be greatly impacted by continuing development. The interchange of Lake Drive/1-35W <br />will be especially impacted and will require a new bridge, reconstruction of the ramps <br />and the installation of signal lights. A new signal is planned for the Hodgson Road/Birch <br />Street intersection in the near future. The City will continue to encourage Anoka County <br />to install that signal at the earliest possible time. The Main Street/I-35W interchange near <br />city hall is under study. Access ramps may not be constructed in the foreseeable future so <br />that more attention can be given to the Lake Drive/1-35W interchange. The area around <br />Centerville and the interchange at I -35E will see further growth as the southeast quadrant <br />of the City continues to development. This will be a more congested area all the way west <br />PAGE 2 <br />