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1998.07.29 CC Minutes - Joint meeting with Lino Lakes & White Bear Township
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City Council Minutes
1998 CC Minutes
1998.07.29 CC Minutes - Joint meeting with Lino Lakes & White Bear Township
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JOINT COUNCIL MEETING JULY 29,1998 <br />to Centerville Road in the City of Centerville. The Task Force has been considering <br />different scenarios that would link the west side with the east side of the City with <br />possibly a bridge over I -35E, {not an interchange with ramps). That idea is not popular at <br />this time and will be discussed f ether tomorrow at the regular Task Force meeting. Mr. <br />Kern referred to the northeast quadrant of this area and explained that the Task Force <br />does not see a need for additional bridges or access to I -35E in this area. The emphases in <br />this area is 80th Street where a bridge without ramps is already in place to link with the <br />regional road system. <br />Mr. Powell briefly explained the utility issues for the southeast quadrant of the City. <br />Utility installation in this area was prompted by the development of the Clearwater Creek <br />subdivisions south of Cedar Street. He noted the location of the sanitary sewer lift station <br />and the extension of trunk utilities to the north to Main Street. The sanitary sewer <br />development on the west side of the freeway drains south to a lift station which <br />eventually pumps into the Cedar Street lift station which ends up in the Metropolitan <br />Council interceptor which runs along Cedar Street. Currently Metropolitan Council is in <br />the design process for constructing a new gravity sewer which will pass through Hugo. <br />The City has already constructed a new water tower located near the realigned Otter Lake <br />Road and a well at the southeast intersection of Cedar Street and Clearwater Creek Drive. <br />Utilities for the area south of Main Street are established. Development of the area north <br />of Main Street will just required the extension of the utilities. <br />Acting Mayor Lyden asked Mr. Willenbring to present the "greenway" development <br />proposed for the south east quadrant of Lino Lakes and extending into the City of <br />Centerville to the west, the City of Hugo to the east and White Bear Township to the <br />south. He asked Mr.Willenbring to be frank about what he sees are the issues and how <br />they impact each community. <br />Mr. Willenbring explained the "Clearwater Creek greenway corridor project". It is a <br />perspiration project which has a number of elements associated with it. The general <br />alignment of the Clearwater Creek corridor was highlighted on a map presented by Mr. <br />Willenbring. The corridor extends from the north outlet of Bald Eagle Lake north through <br />Hugo and then west through Lino Lakes under I -35E into Centerville and eventually into <br />the Rice Creek Chain of Lakes. There are three (3) distinct sections of the corridor, one in <br />Hugo, one in Lino Lakes and one in Centerville. The three (3) cities have been working <br />together for the past several years trying to get a grant from the Legislative Commission <br />on Minnesota Resources to try to protect the corridor and develop it for preservation. The <br />general concept is to take the corridor in Hugo which consists of a fairly narrow creek or <br />ditch where water ponds in the channel and spreads out over a fairly flat flood plain and <br />widen and deepen it, in selected areas, to increase the flood plain storage, develop some <br />additional wetland vegetation along the sides of the channel and provide a trail along one <br />side or the other through the corridor. The purpose is to develop a "greenway" corridor <br />and protect the natural vegetation, protect areas where there may be some agricultural <br />activity, and identify the natural and environmental concerns. This project will not <br />discharge more water down stream but, provide an area for the water that will discharge <br />PAGE 3 <br />
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