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JOINT COUNCIL MEETING JULY 29,1998 <br />to the channel to be held and then discharged slowly down stream so that it does not <br />impact our neighbors. The trail is an integral component of the project that the three (3) <br />cities will deal with. One of the principal issues or problems that has been experienced <br />from the City of Hugo's perspective is developing a grant application and trying to <br />promote the project to the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resource because the <br />corridor continues through Lino Lakes, across I -35E and through Centerville. At this time <br />it is believed that the trail alignment will have to deviate from the corridor along <br />Clearwater Creek particularly as it runs through Centerville because that area has <br />developed. It is believed that securing the property along Clearwater Creek cannot be <br />accomplished and the trail cannot be extended through that area. It would be nice to <br />continue the trail through these areas but it looks like Centerville will have to find an <br />alternate alignment for the trail. He suggested bringing the trail south along Cedar Street <br />or some other transportation component of this planning effort. The focus is to get the <br />corridor trail system connected to the trails in the Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Regional <br />Park. In addition, Washington County is proposing a trail along Highway 61 in Hugo. <br />There is an effort to provide a trail that would connect to the "greenway" corridor. There <br />are a number of improvements proposed for the entire "greenway" corridor and Mr. <br />Willenbrings group would like to feel that this plan has real vision. Securing the corridor <br />of land would allow for this entire area, which has a fairly expansive flood plain, to be <br />used for preservation purposes and access to a nice natural environment. The plan <br />includes some prairie vegetation restoration along the corridor, expanding some of <br />wetland areas, providing different types of vegetation and deeper water habitat by <br />excavating a deeper channel in some parts of the corridor, making certain areas of the <br />corridor available to canoe travel and developing a habitat for a wide variety of plants and <br />animals. <br />Mr. Wessel explained that economic development is proceeding on the east side of the <br />City under the premise that the "greenway" is going to be there both on the east and west <br />side of I -35E. Mr. Powell explained that part of the Otter Lake Road realignment project <br />is the excavation of a pond and the protection of some wetland areas. He noted a culvert <br />that brings Clearwater Creek from Hugo into Lino Lakes under Elmcrest Avenue. When <br />the water reaches the Lino Lakes side of Elmcrest the creek tends to surcharge. Rice <br />Creek Watershed District has suggested that a pipe be installed directing water from that <br />area to the wetlands. A trail is proposed through the ponding and wetland mitigation area <br />that would tie into a trail that will be constructed along with the Otter Lake Road <br />construction. Mr. Powell showed how the trail would wind through the wetlands and <br />eventually to the Hugo/Lino Lakes border. The wetlands and the ponding in Lino Lakes <br />-is provided for both the roadway and development which would occur outside of the <br />buffer zone. At this time the trail is proposed to end at the municipal boundary, but could <br />be extended into Hugo or extended north to Main Street or south to Cedar Street. <br />Mr. Asleson notal that Lino Lakes calls the Clearwater Creek alignment area a <br />pond/wetland mitigation area and Mr. Willenbring calls the area a "greenway". Mr. <br />Powell said both references are achieving the same thing. We are achieving some of the <br />wetland mitigation and also creating a green space with plantings. Mr. Asleson pointed <br />PAGE 4 <br />