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JOINT COUNCIL MEETING JULY 29t 1998 <br />communities participate and the counties too, the Burlington Northern (BN) track bed <br />could become part of the trail system. The BN, whether it has rails or not is still a part of <br />a designated regional corridor. The east link to Highway 61 and the BN provides a link to <br />the regional facility. But Metropolitan Council would have to make the regional corridor <br />a part of the regional system. <br />Karen Cunningham referred to the small map that showed the ponds in Lino Lakes. She <br />asked where Clearwater Creek runs now. Mr. Powell explained. Mr. Willenbring said that <br />this map may be misleading and referred to a berm between the ditch and the pond. <br />Mr. Wessel asked that the discussion continue with each municipality explaining their <br />comprehensive plan pertaining to land use and transportation issues in this particular <br />region. <br />Mr. Museus explained that the revision of the Hugo comprehensive plan began some time <br />ago prior to the Legislature mandating the revision. The plan was submitted to the <br />Metropolitan Council last year and they did approve it subject to the City doing more <br />work in two (2) areas; the transportation plan and the housing plan. At this time the <br />Planning Commission is preparing a zoning map which he said would look similar to the <br />plan he displayed. Currently the master plan has an area from about 160th Street south to <br />about 120th Street and from Elmcrest Avenue to Goodhue Avenue developing in an <br />urban pattern. The balance of the community residential pattern will be maintained in a <br />rural environment with some exceptions. Basically, the area south of County Road 8A <br />will be developing as rural residential which is, for the most part, what is happening now. <br />There will be large lots. The area north of the current urban developing area to 180th <br />Street will be maintained as an urban reserve and eventually it will be filled with urban <br />development. A large portion of the city to the northeast will remain agricultural. <br />Mr. Museus continued by pointing out the industrial area that will be developing along <br />Highway 61, the commercial development closer to the Lino Lakes boundary and denser <br />development following the current pattern, lower density residential in the rest of the <br />area. In addition, industrial development is under discussion next to the Lino Lakes <br />border which would be consistent with what is happening in Lino Lakes now. The benefit <br />of placing industrial in this area is that the two (2) cities could share Elmcrest Avenue. <br />This plan would include extending County Road 4 to Elmcrest so that traffic would move <br />from Hugo to Elmcrest Avenue and then north to County Road 8A (Main Street) and <br />ultimately the I -35E interchange. <br />Mr. Museus said that one of the issues to be addressed is commuter rail transportation. <br />There is a very good chance that commuter rail transportation will happen. Washington <br />County, at a meeting last week, said that this will probably happen in the next five (5) to <br />10 years. If this does happen, the current Burlington Northern railbed would be utilized. <br />Washington County has already asked Hugo to limit its connections on the west to <br />Highway 61 to no more than one every mile which will force Hugo to find alternate <br />routes out of the industrial area. <br />PAGE 6 <br />