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JOINT COUNCIL MEETING JULY 29, 1998 <br />Mr. Museus explained that at this time, Washington County owns the old Burlington <br />Northern railbed from Chisago County to 145th Street and further down to County Road <br />8A (Main Street). Burlington Northern still owns the railbed south of County Road 8A. <br />Mr. Sand explained that the problem is that the neighbors to the south are not looking at <br />commuter rail. Mr. Museus said that area to the south is Ramsey County park reserve and <br />Hugo would be supportive of whatever Ramsey County is planning there. He noted that <br />the railbed continues into White Bear so that the commuter rail system could bypass the <br />Park Reserve and go to the Soo Line. <br />Mr. Museus was asked what the current population in Hugo is. He said approximately. <br />5,800. In about 15 or 20 years, the population will grow to about 15,000. Currently, rural <br />residential lots sizes are 10 acres and sewered lots are 10,400 square feet. Residential <br />development in the agricultural areas has basically the same requirements as rural <br />residential lots. The rural residential areas will not receive sanitary sewer. Cluster housing <br />may be used to tie into what is happening in Ramsey County, Grant Township and May <br />Township. <br />Mr. Angus explained that Hugo, as well as all other cities in the metropolitan areas, is <br />under pressure from Metropolitan Council to develop a transportation plan. Hugo is <br />looking at completing their transportation plan later this fall. The City has a lot of <br />north/south routes including Highway 61 but the east/west routes are limited and traffic <br />tends to come from the east into this area and either goes south on Highway 61 or east to <br />I -35E. One concern is the limited number of accesses to I -35E. Mr. Angus said that there <br />is the desire of a lot of people in Hugo to look at the potential of getting an interchange <br />on 80th Street in Lino Lakes. As 80th Street extends east to the Hugo border, the street <br />name changes to 140th Street. The Hugo transportation plan will look at the amount of <br />traffic that is going to be generated and what impact it will have on Elmcrest and possibly <br />80th Street and a possible interchange on I -35E. . <br />Mr. Angus addressed the issues of what is happening on the border of Hugo and Lino <br />Lakes. Hugo is looking at possible problems east of Elmcrest Avenue and south of Main <br />Street (County Road 8A in Hugo). He pointed out how this street comes to a "T" in Hugo <br />and then turns right on Highway 61 south and then turns east again. Mr. Angus noted the <br />areas in green on his map and indicated that these areas are proposed for development in <br />the near future. The City already has some plats for that area. One of the issues is moving <br />traffic from Highway 61 to the area of I -35E interchange. A lot of people say that traffic <br />coming west on County Road 8A should continue to make the jog onto Highway 61, <br />north into the City of Hugo and then turn left on County Road 8A (Main Street) and <br />continue to the freeway. However, one thought is to extend a road west of Highway 61 <br />across Clearwater Creek by coming from the area of 140th Street and Fenway and <br />connecting to Cedar Street in Lino Lakes. First the city has to determine if there is the <br />intention of ever extending a road west in this manner. If there is the intention, will the <br />road go straight across and end at Cedar Street. This is something that will concern Lino <br />Lakes. The other thought is to take the extended County Road 8A and swing the <br />PAGE 7 <br />