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1998.07.29 CC Minutes - Joint meeting with Lino Lakes & White Bear Township
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City Council Minutes
1998 CC Minutes
1998.07.29 CC Minutes - Joint meeting with Lino Lakes & White Bear Township
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JOINT COUNCIL MEETING JULY 29,1998 <br />Acting Mayor Lyden suggested Option B2 and explained his idea. Mr. Museus explained <br />that the area is already developed and wetlands would be impacted. There was another <br />suggestion from a lady in the audience. Mr. Angus explained that development of the area <br />is imminent. The lady asked why the residents concerns are not being considered before <br />the developers concerns. Mr. Angus explained that it up to the City Council to decide <br />upon an option after receiving all pertinent information. <br />Acting Mayor Lyden discussed his option further and Mr. Museus again said that the <br />wetlands would be impacted. Mr. Angus said that is something the City is taking a guess <br />at. More studies have to be conducted. <br />Another gentleman from the audience said that Hugo does have an east/west access to the <br />freeway. He asked why Hugo could not improve Highway 61 by adding more lanes and <br />widening Main Street to make it four (4) lanes. Main Street is a county road and is <br />maintained by the county. Mr. Angus explained that one of the main concerns for Hugo is <br />to reduce the traffic through the downtown area. The gentleman noted that downtown <br />traffic is good for the businesses. Mr. Angus said that Hugo has to make a decision as to <br />whether there will be a road crossing Clearwater Creek south of Main Street. If there is <br />not to be a crossing, the city has to look at options for improving downtown traffic. <br />However, if there is ultimately going to be a road crossing Clearwater Creek, the city <br />should be looking at how the road will go from Highway 61 to Elmcrest Avenue. <br />A gentleman from the audience asked if it has been decided that Elmcrest Avenue serves <br />no purpose to the City of Lino Lakes. Acting Mayor Lyden said that the city has not had <br />those discussions yet. Mr. Powell explained that the City did a detailed study in 1989 on <br />that roadway and one of the problems here is that not only do we have three (3) cities in <br />this area but also have three (3) counties. Elmcrest Avenue runs along the border between <br />Anoka County and Washington County. He explained how state aid funds could be used <br />to improve the road. At this time, from Lino Lakes perspective, Elmcrest Avenue is not <br />taking a lot of traffic. However, the City is looking at this area again because the <br />Metropolitan Council is looking at aligning a sewer interceptor across Cedar Street. If <br />they go forward with this plan, that may provide an opportunity for the Metropolitan <br />Council to pick up some of the cost of improving the roadway. Another gentleman in the <br />audience said Metropolitan Council has already made the decision to construct the <br />interceptor along Frenchman Road (Main Street). <br />Mr. Sand explained that this looks like what White Bear Lake went through 25 years ago. <br />He explained the decision to build a parkway that would take traffic off of I -35E and <br />route the traffic out of downtown White Bear Lake. Downtown businesses did not like <br />the idea of routing traffic away from the downtown. Today they have a parkway, however <br />it is not a thoroughfare route but is for the industrial businesses along the parkway. <br />Highway 96 continues to carry traffic to Highway 61 and through downtown. During the <br />past two (2) years there has been considerable upgrading of Highway 96. <br />PAGE 9 <br />
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