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JOINT COUNCIL MEETING <br />JULY 29, 1998 <br />alignment to the north and connect to Main Street (the existing County Road 8A). The <br />new intersection would require signal light. This plan was shown as Option A on the <br />map. This option would bypass the downtown area of Hugo and take the industrial traffic <br />out of downtown and bring it to the freeway. This plan is shown on the map as Option B. <br />Acting Mayor Lyden said that Option B looked great. Mr. Angus noted that this is a <br />controversial plan but all options should be reviewed. <br />Mr. Angus noted that the Wenzel property located at the western border of Hugo and <br />bordering Elmcrest Avenue. One of the preliminary concepts for development of the <br />property indicates that there would be no use for Elmcrest Avenue. Hugo is under the <br />impression that Lino Lakes does not have any intention of allowing the industrial <br />property to the west of Elmcrest Avenue to have a direct connection to Elmcrest Avenue. <br />As a result of that, Lino Lakes will probably not want to incur any additional expenses <br />with Elmcrest Avenue. Hugo is looking at the possibility of eliminating Elmcrest Avenue <br />totally. <br />A gentleman in the audience asked how Option B would solve Hugo's transportation <br />problem. The traffic still must make a right turn onto Elmcrest Avenue and a left turn <br />onto Main Street. Mr. Museus said that this option is not being driven by Washington <br />County. However, there probably will be some street connecting Highway 61 and <br />Elmcrest Avenue. It has not been decided as to whether it will be a county road or a city <br />street. In addition the Rice Creek Watershed District opposes Option B because it crosses <br />Clearwater Creek twice. There are some environmental issues. <br />Donna Carlson asked why the citizens are not finding out about this information. The <br />citizens found out about this meeting through legal notices in the local newspaper. Mr. <br />Angus explained that an informational meeting was held for the citizens of Hugo. <br />However, this is the first presentation of Hugo's transportation plan to the City of Lino <br />Lakes. This plan is in the preliminary process. The City of.Hugo has made no decisions. <br />Ms. Carlson said that Lino Lakes was talking about a bridge over the freeway and <br />extending Birch Street to the freeway which would make it very convenient for traffic to <br />go west on Birch Street including industrial traffic from Hugo. Mr. Angus felt that <br />industrial traffic would want to go the freeway interchange on Main Street. <br />A gentleman in the audience said that traffic coming west from Hugo would not turn <br />north on Elmcrest to Main Street, it would continue west on Cedar Street to Otter Lake <br />Road and then south to the County Road J intersection. The gentleman noted that Cedar <br />Street is not designed for industrial traffic. <br />Another gentleman in the audience asked how the residents of Hugo are responding to <br />these proposals. Mr. Angus explained the developer of the Wenzel property did not like <br />Option B, the property owners in the area where Option A has County Road 8A swinging <br />north to Main Street did not like Option A. Another gentleman in the audience said that <br />Hugo should not impact Lino Lakes at all. <br />PAGE 8 <br />