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1998.09.08 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1998 CC Minutes
1998.09.08 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of September 8, 1998 <br />Page 3 <br />addition, all yard areas are to be covered with an approved ground cover and maintained in a neat and <br />orderly appearance. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the landscaping plan for 14069 <br />Finale Avenue as conditioned by the PC. <br />SUBDIVISION (FEGOWI RENTALS/PELOOUIN) <br />Mr. Dan Birdsall, 22056 Jason Avenue, Forest Lake, MN., requested to subdivide an approximate 65 <br />acre parcel into three parcels. Parcel A of the subdivision, consisting of approximately 54 acres, is <br />that portion of the property currently zoned for agricultural use. Parcel B, consisting of <br />approximately 1.7 acres, is intended for combination with adjacent property owned by Mr. Vern <br />Peloquin in the industrial park. Parcel C, consisting of approximately 10.2 acres, is that portion of the <br />parcel currently zoned industrial. The PC considered this request at their meeting of August 26, <br />1998, and recommended approval of the subdivision subject to the following conditions: <br />1. Parcel B may not be recorded as a parcel of record, and is required to be combined with adjacent <br />property. <br />2. The subdivision shall not be valid until an approved septic system location is provided for Parcel <br />C, or there is an agreement between the City and the property owner, for extension of municipal <br />utilities to the parcel. <br />3. The road extension of 152nd Street, along the southern edge of Parcel C, shall be improved to the <br />City standard for a commercial collector street at the expense of the developer of Parcel A. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the subdivision as conditioned by the PC. <br />KENCO LITIGATION <br />The Council considered a letter from the City Attorney regarding previous Council direction to <br />prepare a lawsuit against Kenco, Inc., to enforce certain terms of a Development Agreement between <br />the City and Kenco. The City Attorney has determined that Kenco, Inc., was dissolved on August <br />15, 1997, and no longer exists as a corporation. Given the limited dollar amount of the dispute, staff <br />recommended that the Council not invest additional money in this litigation. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda directed the City Attorney to cease work on the lawsuit with Kenco Construction, Inc., for <br />the construction of sidewalk in RLM#4. <br />FINAL PAYMENT (FRANCESCA AVE STREET IMPROVEMENT) <br />The Council considered the final construction payment request for the mill and overlay of Francesca <br />Avenue, near Hugo Elementary School, in the amount of $17,422.29. The City Engineer <br />recommended approval of the payment and acceptance of the project. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the final payment for Francesca Avenue improvement project, and begins the one- <br />year warranty period for the improvements. <br />RIVER MY ASPHALT PLANT OPERATION REQUEST <br />RCA requested to operate their plant on Irish Avenue through November 24, 1998. The SUP <br />issued to them requires that the plant be removed by November 1, 1998. Adoption of the Consent <br />
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