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City Council meeting of September 8, 1998 <br />Page 4 <br />Agenda approved the letter to RCA denying their request. <br />PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT HEARING (OAKSHORE PARK/129TH STREET) <br />A public improvement hearing was held to consider extending municipal sewer and water, and <br />reconstructing streets, through the Oakshore Park subdivision, as well as extending municipal sewer <br />and water north along Ethan Avenue and 129th Street. The estimated cost of these improvements is <br />$1,350,000 for the Oakshore Park subdivision, and $143,240 for Ethan Avenue and 129th Street, <br />along the north shore of Bald Eagle Lake. The Council considered a feasibility report prepared by the <br />City Engineer for the two projects, as well as a sample assessment roll for Oakshore Park project. <br />The City Engineer conducted an open house on the evening of September 3, 1998 to answer <br />questions on the project. The public hearing for the 129th Street project was open for discussion. <br />Tim Kellison questioned whether this project could go forward should the Oakshore Park <br />improvement project fail. He was told that the two were separate project and could go forward. <br />There would be no bike path related to this project. <br />Miiron made motion, Arcand seconded, to authorize hiring an appraiser for preparation of the <br />assessment roll and prepare necessary paperwork for scheduling an assessment roll hearing. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />The public hearing for Oakshore Park improvements was opened for discussion. <br />Ann Smith provided a visual that indicating the number of trees that would be removed should the <br />bike path be constructed. She presented the Council with a petition to save the trees. <br />Becky Petryk presented a concept to handle the storm water through ditches rather than curb and <br />gutter, and expressed concerns regarding increased vehicular speed because of a wider street. She <br />introduced the possibility of creating a one-way street in this area. <br />Robert Moline encouraged the Council to be frugal with their money, and the bike path traffic could <br />create a nuisance for Oakshore Park's marina. <br />Gary Phillips, representing the Bald Eagle Area Association, stated his concern for water quality, and <br />felt that concrete curb and gutter was harmful to the lake. <br />John Good again stated his concern that he would lose a large part of his front yard to accommodate <br />a NURP pond. <br />Jeff Peterson reiterated that the large number of residents signing the petition indicated their <br />opposition to the bike path and wide road. <br />Bob Hanson stated that he did not want Exhall Avenue to be opened to traffic. <br />Tim Agness felt that ditches should be used instead of ponds; 8 ft was too narrow for a bike patch; <br />