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City Council meeting of September 8, 1998 <br />Page 6 <br />My iron made motion, Barnes seconded, to adopt the Findings and Conditions and approve a license <br />for Automobile Recycling Kompany, 16813 and 16705 Forest Boulevard, to conduct automobile <br />dismantling activities. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SCHEDULE ASSESSMENT HEARING (FRANCESCA AVE STREET E"R) <br />The Council considered a proposed assessment roll for the public improvements made to Francesca <br />Avenue, near the Hugo Elementary School. <br />Leroux made motion, Goiffon seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1998-30, A RESOLUTION <br />DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED, AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED <br />ASSESSMENT FOR THE FRANCESCA AVENUE P.I. PROJECT. <br />VOTING AYE: Arcand, Barnes, Goiffon, Leroux, M iiron <br />Motion Carried. <br />Leroux made motion, Barnes seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1998-31, A RESOLUTION <br />HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR THE FRANCESCA AVENUE P.I. PROJECT. <br />VOTING AYE: Arcand, Barnes, Goiffon, Leroux, Miron <br />Motion Carried. <br />LIONS PARK PLAYGROUND (BID RESULTS) <br />Bids for the Lions Park playground were opened at City Hall on September 3, 1998, at 11:00 a.m. <br />My iron made motion, Goiffon seconded, to accept the low bid from St. Croix Recreation Company at <br />$42,448.45, to purchase the Lions Park playground equipment. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />THANKSGIVING LUTHERAN CHURCH LEASE AGREEMENT <br />The Council considered a proposed letter responding to concerns raised by the TLC over the <br />proposed Lease Agreement for the Rice Lake Park Building. <br />M iiron made motion, Goiffon seconded, to approve the letter of response regarding concerns over the <br />Lease Agreement made by the TLC. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />CREEKVIEW PRESERVE ROAD ACCESS <br />The Council considered a proposed letter to the Washington County Rail Authority requesting that <br />