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City Council meeting of September 8, 1998 <br />Page 5 <br />trees should not be removed; and the bike path should have some continuity. <br />Donna Engel asked that the Council bring down the cost of the project and use the money to hire <br />another sheriffs deputy for the City. <br />The public hearing was closed for comments. <br />The Council then discussed the project. Barnes felt that many hours were spent developing road <br />standards for the City, and there could be repercussions from developers should the City divert from <br />these standards. Council discussion continued regarding options available to accomplish the project. <br />Miron made motion, Goiffon seconded, to table until the Council meeting of October 5, 1998 to <br />allow the City Engineer draft options for Council review. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />ACOUISITION OF ROAD RIGHT=OF WAY (BUENO) <br />Mr. Timothy Geck, attorney representing Mr. and Mrs. Bueno regarding the City's acquisition of <br />additional road right-of-way for the construction of Fenway Avenue to 142nd Street, appeared before <br />the Council on their behalf. The City's appraisal of the property indicated a value of $14,000; the <br />appraisal performed on behalf of the property owners indicated a value of $19,700. The City has <br />proposed splitting the difference with the Buenos and paying $16,850 for the road right-of-way. Mr. <br />Geck indicated that in addition to a cash payment, the Buenos were seeking some assurance that they <br />would be able to subdivide the lot, gaining an additional two lots from the property. COUNCILMAN <br />LEROUX ARRIVED AT 9:30 PM. Mr. Geck was informed that the Council would look at the <br />proposed survey, but that the Buenos would have to go through the proper channels for subdivision <br />approval. <br />Goiffon made motion to pay Mr. and Mrs. Bueno $19,700 for the acquisition of additional right of <br />way for the construction of Fenway Avenue. Motion failed for lack of second. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, that the City offer Mr. and Mrs. Bueno $16,850 for the right <br />of way. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />AUTO DISMANTLING LICENSE (ARK) <br />Mr. Daniel Stewart, operating Automobile Recycling Kompany (ARK), 16813 Forest Boulevard, <br />applied for a license to conduct automobile dismantling activities at 16813 Forest Boulevard and <br />16705 Forest Boulevard. These are the locations formerly occupied by Modern Auto and Northside <br />Auto Salvage. This application was previously scheduled for Council consideration on August 3 and <br />August 17, 1998, respectively, but was tabled at the request of the applicant. <br />