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City Council meeting of October 5, 1998 <br />Page 2 <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT (11LLER) <br />Mr. Gerald E. Miller, 4486129th Street North, requested a SUP to construct a twin home on his <br />property at the above address. The property is zoned SFE, and lies within the shoreland district of <br />Bald Eagle Lake. It is Mr. Miller's intent to remove the existing house and garage on the site. This <br />matter was considered by the PC at their meeting of September 23, 1998, and they recommended <br />approval of a 10 foot variance to the lot -width requirement in the shoreland district of Bald Eagle <br />Lake, and approval of the SUP to construct a duplex on the lot subject to special conditions. <br />Council member Barnes questioned the elevation for the garage, and Mr. Miller stated that the house <br />and garage would be all one level, meeting the regulatory flood protection elevation. <br />Miron made motion, Goiffon seconded, to approve the SUP request of Mr. Gerald Miller, 4486 <br />129th Street to construct a twin home on his property, including a 10 foot variance to the lot -width <br />requirement in the shoreland district of Bald gagle Lake subject to the following conditions: <br />1. A twin home be allowed only when municipal water and sewer becomes available to the site. <br />2. No more than one single dock on Bald Eagle Lake to serve the property. <br />3. The minimum floor elevation shall be 2 foot above the 100 -year flood, 4 foot above the ordinary <br />high ground water level, and the first -floor opening shall be no less than 3 feet above the 100 -year <br />flood elevation. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT (LADOUX) <br />Mr. Rick LaDoux, 12291 Janero Avenue North, requested a SUP to construct a 40' x 80' pole barn <br />on his property at the above address. Mr. LaDoux has 1,488 sq ft of exterior storage on the site, and <br />is requesting an additional 2,888 sq ft, where 1,800 sq ft of accessory storage is allowed by <br />ordinance. The property is located in an RR2 zoning district. The PC considered this request at <br />their meeting of September 23, 1998, and recommended approval of the SUP for an additional 2,016 <br />sq ft of storage on the property. Because of the existing storage on the site, Council member Barnes <br />did not feel another accessory building would be appropriate for the size of the lot (5 acres). <br />Barnes made motion, Miron seconded, to deny the request of Rick LaDoux, 12291 Janero Avenue, <br />for a SUP to construct a 40' x 80' pole on his property, based on the following: <br />1. Because 1,488 sq ft of accessory storage already exists, request would greatly exceed the limit <br />allowed in the RR2 zoning district (1,800 sq ft). <br />2. Adjoining neighbor the south expressed concern about construction of the building. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Attorney Galler will draft a Findings of Fact further outlining the Council's basis for denial. <br />