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City Council meeting of October S, 1998 <br />Page 3 <br />SUBDIVISION (WEWERS) <br />Joseph R and Barbara J.. Wewers, 15880 Harrow Avenue, requested to subdivide a 40 -acre parcel <br />into one 8.4 -acre parcel and one 31.6 -acre parcel. The property is zoned Ag. The 8.4 parcel <br />contains the existing home on the property, but not the barn. The Hugo PC considered this request <br />at their meeting of September 23, 1998, and recommended approval of the subdivision subject to <br />special conditions. Mr. Wewers requested a variance to the 10 -acre requirement in order to fence <br />existing trees on the property to the east. The northern lot line was positioned to retain a 4" well on <br />the property for horses. Council member Barnes stated that she could support the reduced lot size if <br />no more than three building sites be allowed on the 31.6 parcel. The Council felt that existing zoning <br />standards limited the 31.6 parcel to no more than three (3) lots. The Counc li -telt that the eastern <br />property line should be squared rather than angled as proposed. <br />Leroux made motion, Miron seconded, to approve the request of Joseph Wewers, 15880 Harrow <br />Avenue, to subdivide a 40 -acre parcel into 8.4 and 31.6 parcels, subject to the following: <br />1. A parkland dedication fee of $1,350 be paid to the City. <br />2. Approval of the septic system on the residual lot, by Washington County HELM. <br />3. Permit for the subdivision from the RCWD, if necessary. <br />4. The east property shall be straightened resulting in squaring of the parcel. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />VARIANCE (BESTER) <br />Robert Bester, 8726 122nd Street, requested a variance for a 30 to 35 foot setback from Long Lake <br />for a new septic system. The minimum setback requirement from the ordinary high water mark is <br />ISO feet. Mr. Bester's home is located on a peninsula that does not provide enough room to meet <br />the regulatory setback requirements. This request was considered by the Board of Adjustments at <br />their meeting of September 23, 1998, and they recommended approval of the variance subject to <br />approval of the technical specifications of the septic system by the Washington County HELM. Dale <br />Eklin addressed the Council stating that because of the lack of additional land, there was no other <br />option and that the proposed system would be a 100% improvement over the existing situation. <br />Council member Barnes cited a similar situation on Sunset Lake where the property owner had to <br />find an alternate site to install a septic system. Because no other site is available, the following <br />motion was made: <br />Leroux made motion, Goiffon seconded, to approve the variance request of Robert Bester, 8726 <br />122nd Street, to construct a mound -type septic system 30' to 35' from Long Lake, subject to <br />approval of the technical specifications of the septic system by Washington County HELM. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />