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City Council meeting of October 5, 1998 <br />Page 5 <br />SWEET GRASS MEADOWS PRELUYMARY PLAT <br />Quentin Marier, 9395 Oneka Lake Blvd., T.J. Marier, 5566 145th Street, and K -G Development, <br />Inc., 474 Apollo Drive, Lino Lakes, requested to subdivide 67.7 acres into 90 lots, and one outlot. <br />The proposed plat was subject to a number of hearings before the PC this past summer. The Council <br />considered for approval Findings and Recommendations as recommended by the PC. Because of the <br />City's concern to maintain adequate water pressure throughout the City, the developer stated that he <br />would phase his project to allow the City time to plan for a third water tower. The Administrator <br />stated that the water pressure was a fire insurance matter more than a safety issue. The Council <br />discussed a sidewalk/trail along the west side of Greene Avenue. It was noted that the development <br />property does not extend to the boat launch; -and the DNR will need to become involved in the <br />discussion. <br />Leroux made motion, Goiffon seconded, to approve Phase 1 of the Sweet Grass Meadows <br />subdivision, to include 39 lots, subject to the Findings and Recommendations of the Planning <br />Commission. Council approval of future phases will be dependent on construction of a third water <br />tower, with Greene Avenue being the last phase. <br />Council member Barnes felt the current grading policy allowing grading to begin prior to final plat <br />approval was not working to the benefit of the City. She requested this policy be placed on the <br />Council agenda for October 19, 1998. <br />Voting AYE: Arcand, Goiffon, Leroux, Miron <br />Voting NAY: Barnes <br />Motion Carried. <br />ONEKA LAKE VIEW (MAL PLAT) <br />The Council considered the City Engineer's recommendation to approve the final plat for the Oneka <br />Lake View subdivision: A trail easement will need to be submitted as it cannot be included on the <br />final plat. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, to approve the final plat for the ONEKA LAKE VIEW <br />subdivision, subject to submission of a trail easement adjacent to the plat. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REZONING BALD EAGLE INDUSTRIAL PARK PHASE M <br />The City of Hugo requested to rezone approximately 42 acres of property located in the NW 1/4 of <br />Section 29, and the NE 1/4 of Section 30, from the current classifications of SFE and Industrial to <br />the proposed new classifications of industrial and commercial business. The commercial business <br />zoning would apply to those properties abutting 140th Street, and the balance of the plat would be <br />industrial. <br />