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City Council meeting of October 5, 1998 <br />Page 6 <br />Leroux made motion, Goiffon seconded, to adopt ORDINANCE 1998-329 BY AMENDING <br />CHAPTER 320 OF THE HUGO CITY CODE BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT <br />CLASSIFICATION OF THE -DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY. <br />Voting AYE: Arcand, Barnes, Goiffon, Leroux, Moon <br />Motion Carried. <br />CREEKVIEW PRESERVE ROAD ACCESS PERMIT <br />A draft agreement between the City of Hugo, the Washington County Rail Authority, and the <br />developer for the Creekview Preserve subdivision regarding the construction of a road access from <br />the subdivision to Forest Boulevard was submitted to the Council. This road would cross the rail <br />corridor proposed for future commuter rail service between Rush City and St. Paul. The County has <br />expressed concerns regarding the spacing of these crossings. Attorney Galler suggested that the <br />paragraph referencing the City sharing the cost associated with establishing a fiiture rail crossing be <br />deleted from the Agreement. <br />Goiffon made motion, Mron seconded, to approve the 159th Street Road Crossing Easement <br />Agreement with deletion of the above -referenced paragraph. <br />Mron made motion, Leroux seconded, to amend the previous motion adding that staff be directed to <br />attend Washington County Rail Authority meetings. <br />Vote on AMENDMENT: All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Voting on ORIGINAL MOTION: All aye. Motion Carried. <br />OAKSHORE PARK II"ROVEMENT OPTIONS <br />On September 8, 1998, the Council conducted a public improvement hearing to consider the making <br />of improvements in the Oarkshore Park subdivision, as well as the area along 129th Street, north of <br />the Woods of Bald Eagle subdivision to Elmcrest Avenue. Improvements would include the <br />extension of sanitary sewer, municipal water, storm sewer, and street improvements. At that <br />meeting, the Council directed the City Engineer to prepare options for the construction of Ethan <br />Avenue. The City Engineer presented to the Council and residents the proposed options. Mr. Steve <br />Nicholson, Kunde Company, Inc., discussed the impact on trees located in the proposed <br />improvement area. Ann Smith, representing residents of Ethan Avenue, addressed the Council <br />stating their support of Option H, which had no trail, and consisted of a 24' paved roadway with 2 <br />foot gravel shoulders. <br />Leroux made motion, Goiffon seconded, to approve Option H, as designed by OSM, for <br />improvements to Ethan Avenue. <br />Council member Barnes felt that the Council should include some kind of trail system when making <br />improvements to reduce conflicts between growing pedestrian and automobile use of the roadway. <br />