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City Council meeting of November 2, 1998 <br />Page 2 <br />1. Approval of the parking and loading plan by the City Engineer. <br />2. Approval of the site development plan by the RCWD. <br />3. A permit for an individual onsite septic system be provided or an agreement for the extension of <br />municipal utilities to the site. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the site plan as conditioned. <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT (THE END ZONE) <br />Adrian Kramarczuk, representing Classic Holdings, Inc., 13891 Forest Boulevard, requested to <br />renew a SUP for the construction of two 60' x 120' ice rinks behind the End Zone bar. Classic <br />Holdings operated the broomball rinks during the 1997/98 winter season, with no complaints <br />registered. The PC considered this request at the meeting of October 28, 1998, and recommended <br />approval of the SUP under the previous site plan and conditions. Council member Barnes felt that <br />there was a potential problem with the proposal because of development of the property to the east <br />of the rinks. She felt that the Council should revisit the privacy fence issue because of conflicting <br />land use. Mayor Miron felt that because construction of the townhomes would not start until after <br />the winter season, a 7th condition should be added asking for a screening plan sometime in the <br />spring. <br />Leroux made motion, Barnes seconded, to amended the previously -approved SUP by adding a 7th <br />condition: <br />7. Prior to application for SUP renewal of the ice rinks, the applicant shall provide a plan for <br />screening the east property line in the spring of 1999. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT (HUGO FEED MILL) <br />T.J. Marier, representing the Hugo Feed Mill, 5582 146th Street, requested a SUP to construct an <br />advertising sign for the Feed Mill on a vacant parcel of property he owns, adjacent to, but separate <br />from, the Feed Mill site. The 3' x 10' sign would be illuminated with changeable copy, topped by a <br />roof, and include an additional 2' x 10' sign on top of the roof saying "Hugo Feed Mill". The PC <br />considered this request at their meeting of October 28, 1998, and recommended approval of the SUP <br />subject to special conditions. Council member Barnes felt that the 20' high pedestal sign would not <br />be esthetically pleasing to the downtown area, and that a monument sign would accomplish the same <br />goals. Steve Marier stated that the sign would be 15' high rather 20' as stated. <br />Miron made motion, Goiffon seconded, to approve the Hugo Feed Mill's request for a SUP to <br />construct a 19' pedestal advertising sign on a vacant parcel adjacent to the Feed Mill site subject to <br />the following conditions: <br />1. The sign shall not be placed so as to block the view of a public street from access to that street. <br />2. The sign and supporting structures shall be maintained in a safe, secure, and serviceable repair by <br />its owner. <br />3. The sign shall not encroach upon any yard setback area or public easement. <br />