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City Council meeting of November 16, 1998 <br />Page 2 <br />SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT #2 (FENWAY AVENUE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT) <br />The Council reviewed Supplemental Agreement No. 2, prepared by the City Engineer, for the Fenway <br />Avenue improvement project regarding the extension of the sanitary sewer main to 5326 140th Street <br />North (Bueno property). This work was done at the request of the property owner, and subject to an <br />Agreement of Assessment and Waiver of Irregularity and Appeal. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved Supplemental Agreement #2, as recommended by the City Engineer. <br />PARTIAL PAYMENT #3 (HUGO FIRE STATION) <br />The Council considered an application for payment, in the amount of $62,093.30, as partial payment <br />for the construction of the City's new Fire Hall. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />payment to Loeffel Engstrand, as recommended by the project architect. <br />DANGEROUS DOG HEARING (STOLP) <br />Mrs. Karen Stolp, 4681 170th Street, has appealed the City Attorney's designation of her dogs, <br />maintained at the above address, as dangerous dogs. This matter was originally scheduled for the <br />Council meeting of November 2, 1998, but Mrs. Stolp requested that the matter be tabled until this <br />evening's meeting. Mr. Stolp stated that the dog had never bitten anyone, and were more "annoying" <br />than dangerous, and the seven (7) dogs were now confined behind a 61/2 ft fence. Neighbors stated <br />that their children were unable to walk on their own driveway for fear of their safety. It was their <br />feeling that just the number of dogs created a "pack" mentality, and posed a threat to people. <br />Members of the Council visiting the home of the dogs did not feel threatened by the animals. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, to uphold the City Attorney's decision and declare the dogs <br />owned by Duane and Karen Stolp as potentially dangerous dogs, with the exception of Dusty. The <br />remainder of the dogs are to be removed within 60 days to allow time for the owners to find new <br />homes for the dogs. After 60 days, the City will make an inspection of the property to insure <br />compliance. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Leroux, Miron <br />VOTING NAY: Arcand and Goiffon <br />Motion Carried. <br />PUBLIC HEARING (OAKSHORE PARK ASSESSMENTS) <br />A public hearing was held to consider the assessment of the Oakshore Park subdivision for the <br />extension of municipal water and sanitary sewer mains, and reconstruction of streets, curb, gutter, <br />and storm sewer in the development pursuant to MN Statutes 429.011 to 429.111. The total amount <br />of the proposed assessment is $738,820. The public hearing was opened with the following <br />comments: <br />David Black asked what improvements are to be made to Exhall Avenue. Only watermain. <br />Dennis Garner felt that 32' was too wide. Liked the drainage system in Lake Air Estates. <br />Becky Petryk lobbied for the infiltration drainage system rather than curb and gutters. <br />