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1998.11.16 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1998 CC Minutes
1998.11.16 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of 11/16/98 <br />Page 3 <br />Tun Metry asked what type of curb and gutters were to be installed - 6" vertical high - and objected to <br />the 32' wide road. <br />Jess Rousch objected to the width of the road, and asked, please, no curb and gutters. <br />Tun Trossen objected to road width; driveways adequate for off-street parking; spring flooding <br />problems could be eliminated with cleaning of ditches/culverts. <br />Rick Game objected to road width; would lose trees. <br />John Gion objected to road width; infiltration drainage will work; would lose trees. <br />Jeff Peterson thought tonight's meeting was to discuss the assessment and not road construction. <br />Beth Grainger objected to paying interest on a project that would not be finalized. <br />Frank Watson objected to road width; would lose trees. <br />Pete Pedersen objected to road width; one acre lots accommodate off-street parking. <br />The public hearing was closed for public comments. <br />Leroux made motion, Barnes seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 1998-38, A RESOLUTION <br />ADOPTING THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE OAKSHORE PARK P.I. PROJECT. The <br />resolution shall include Item 5: Assessments shall be deferred for a six-month period from 11/16/98. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Goiffon, Leroux, Miron <br />ABSTAINED: Warren Arcand <br />Motion Carried. <br />PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ROLL (129TH STREET PQ <br />The Council considered a proposed assessment roll for the improvement to property abutting 129th <br />Street, along the north shore of Bald Eagle Lake, for the extension of municipal sanitary sewer and <br />water service. <br />Leroux made motion, Goiffon seconded, to schedule a public hearing for December 21, 1998, at 7:05 <br />p.m. to consider, and possible adopt, the proposed assessment for improvements to 129th Street. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS (130TH STREET Il"ROVEMENT PROJECT) <br />The City Engineer requested approval of an advertisement for bids relating to the construction of <br />sanitary sewer force main, water main, and a lift station on 130th Street, east of Forest Blvd. This <br />project was advertised previously, but the developer for the Beaver Ponds subdivision who is paying <br />for the proposed work, requested the City readvertise the project to seek more favorable responses. <br />Mr. Peterson, land developer, discussed the possibility of two lift stations because of the sewer depth. <br />There was no further discussion on this issue. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, to readvertise for bids for the 130th Street lift station project <br />for review by the Council on December 21, 1998. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />
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