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City Council meeting of December 28, 1998 <br />Page 3 <br />completed. Staff recommended tabling consideration of this request until the Council meeting of <br />January 4, 1999. The Council considered a letter from Mayor -elect Stoltzn= requesting that <br />certain issues be incorporated in Schumann's amended SUP. John Waller requested that the <br />shoreline of Rice Lake be clearly identified on the plat. Mr. Waller did not feel that Schumann's <br />commercial business could be continued because of the change to a residential use. Depending on <br />whether the proposed land use regulation are adopted later on in the meeting, Mr. Schumann <br />would need preliminary plat approval prior to adoption of the new regulations to fall under the <br />guidelines of the existing zoning ordinance. <br />Goiffon made motion, Leroux seconded, to approve the preliminary plat for Deer Park Estates <br />subject to the amended SUP. <br />Moon made motion, Arcand seconded, to table this matter until after discussion of the proposed <br />land use regulations. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT (SCHWIETERS CONSTRUCT ION) <br />Schwieters Development Corporation, 8383 Sunset Road NE, Spring Lake Park, MN, requested <br />a special use permit to allow up to 1.8 acres of exterior storage on Lot 5, Block 1, in the Bald <br />Eagle Industrial Park, Second Addition, which they are purchasing from the City. The exterior <br />storage area would be used to store wood materials and finished products used in their <br />construction business. Hugo City Code, Chapter 3204, Subd. L, allows unlimited exterior <br />storage in the Industrial zoning district by special use permit. The development covenants <br />approved by the City Council for Bald Eagle Industrial Park allow a maximum of 40% of a lot to <br />be used for exterior storage. Staff recommended approval of the special use permit, subject to <br />compliance with the exterior storage, fencing, and screen requirements contained in the <br />development covenants for the Industrial Park. The PC needed to hold a public hearing to <br />consider the SUP request. <br />The Planning Commission was called to order by Chair Teddy Peltier at 9:30 p.m. <br />PRESENT: Kellison, Puleo, Peltier <br />ABSENT: Malaski, Schumann, Rubenzer <br />Mayor Miron called the public hearing to order. Tom Jackson questioned the percentage of lot to <br />be used for exterior storage, and asked for an explanation of the covenant addressing this <br />requirement. As there were no further comments, the hearing was closed. Commissioner <br />Kellison asked what was shown for the exterior storage surface. He was told that the area would <br />be blacktopped. <br />Puleo made motion, Peltier seconded, to recommend approval of the SUP, subject to compliance <br />with the exterior storage, fencing, and screen requirements in the Development Covenants. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />