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City Council meeting of December 28, 1998 <br />Page 4 <br />Goiffon made motion, Leroux seconded, to approve the SUP to allow Schwieters Construction a <br />maximum of 40% of their lot in the Bald Eagle Industrial Park, Second Addition, to be used for <br />exterior storage, and subject to requirements in the Development Covenants for the Park. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Peltier made motion, Puleo seconded, to adjourn the Planning Commission meeting at 10:00 p.m. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SITE PLAN APPROVAL (SCHWIETERS CONSTRUCTION) <br />J. L. Schwieter Construction, Inc., 8383 Sunset Road NE, Spring Lake Park, MN, requested site <br />plan approval to construct a 30, 620 square foot office warehouse building on a 4.5 acre parcel in <br />the Bald Eagle Industrial Park. The property is currently zoned Industrial and is guided for <br />industrial use in the City Comprehensive Plan. The proposed site for the project is immediately <br />south of the City's new Fire Hall. The Planning Commission considered this request at their <br />regular meeting of November 18, 1998, and recommended approval of the site plan subject to <br />special conditions. Architect Len Lampert responded to the Planning Comission's conditions and <br />provided an architectural view of the proposed building. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, to approve the site plan for Schwieter Construction to <br />construct a 30,620 sq ft officetwarehouse on 4.5 acres in the Bald Eagle Industrial Park, Second <br />Addition in acccordance with the amended site plan presented by the developer, and the following <br />conditions: <br />1. Approval of the site development plan by the Rice Creek Watershed District. <br />2. Approval of the grading and drainage plan, utility plan, and minimum first -floor elevation <br />by the City Engineer. <br />I City Council approval of the sale of the property to the applicant. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PURCHASE AGREEMENT (SCHWIETERS CONSTRUCTION) <br />The Council considered a Purchase Agreement between the City of Hugo and Schwieters <br />Development Corporation for the sale of 4.518 acre parcel of property to Schwieters Construction in <br />the Bald Eagle Industrial Park, Second Addition. The Agreement provides that Schwieters will pay <br />the City $192,487.00 in cash for the project, and guarantee the City tax increment in an amount <br />sufficient to finance the remaining $212,188 in land value over a period of 15 years. The proposed <br />changes include removing paragraphs that have been made redundant to the construction of Fenway <br />Boulevard, clarifying that no assessments will be made against the property for the construction of <br />Fenway Boulevard and related utilities; specified earnest money is to be deposited in an interest <br />bearing account and interest paid to the purchaser at closing; and add contingencies regarding the <br />buyers ability to finance the project under terms and conditions approved by the buyer and for <br />Metropolitan Council approval on encroachment on the easement in front of the proposed building. <br />