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1997.02.03 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1997 CC Minutes
1997.02.03 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of February 3, 1997 <br />Page 2 <br />PELOOUIN INDUSTRIAL PARK IMPROVEMENT PROJECT <br />The City Council had expressed an interest in extending utilities to the Peloquin Industrial <br />Park in 1997, if possible. Previously, the Council considered a feasibility report by the <br />City Engineer and determined that the most cost-effective means of serving the Park with <br />sanitary sewer is through a trunk main along the NSP easement north of the Park, and west <br />of T.H. 61. Water service would be brought to the Park from the south along T.H. 61 and <br />looped through the trailer park. The Engineer's estimated cost of the project is <br />$1,068,384. Staff reviewed the plans and cost estimates prepared by the City Engineer, <br />and a draft assessment roll was prepared for the project. This assessment roll is only <br />tentative, and would be subject to change as the Council proceeds through the project. <br />Miron made motion, Goiffon seconded, to accept staff recommendation as follows: <br />1. The City Council establish a public hearing on the proposed project under Chapter <br />429 on March 3, 1997. <br />2. Prior to the hearing, staff is to meet with property owners in the area to explain the <br />project, how it is to be assessed, and to receive comments from the property owners. <br />3. Given the Council determines to proceed with the project following the public hearing, <br />that the assessments be levied prior to letting a contract for the project in order to <br />allow the appeal for the assessments to elapse prior to the City committing substantial <br />dollars to the project. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT PLAN <br />The Hoisington Koegler Group completed the City's draft Downtown Redevelopment Plan <br />and was to present it to the Planning Commission at their meeting of January 22, 1997. <br />Such presentation did not occur due to the weather. In order to speed review of the Plan, <br />staff recommended that the Council establish a date for a joint meeting of the City Council <br />and Planning Commission to review the proposed Downtown Redevelopment Plan. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, to schedule a joint meeting of the City Council and <br />Planning Commission for February 19, 1997, at 7:30PM, Hugo City Hall, to discuss the <br />draft Downtown Redevelopment Plan. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />CLEARWATER CREEK ENGINEERING PROPOSAL <br />At the Hugo City Council meeting of January 6, 1997, the Council considered a scope of <br />work prepared by WSB focttie nreparation of plans and specs for the improvement of the <br />Clearwater Creek corridor. The project's purpose is to enhance the area's ability to <br />accommodate stormwater runoff, improve water quality, provide wetland mitigation areas <br />for various City projects, and to, potentially, provide a controlled outlet for stormwater <br />
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