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MINUTES FOR THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 03/17/97 <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fran Miron at 7:05PM. <br />PRESENT: Barnes, Goiffon, Johnson, Miron <br />City Administrator, Robert Museus <br />City Attorney, Greg Galler <br />City Engineer, Tom Angus <br />City Planner, Ed Elliott <br />City Clerk, Mary Ann Creager <br />ABSENT: Jim Leroux <br />ADDITIONS TO AGENDA <br />Fire Hall Committee and Rice Creek Watershed Reports (Dave Schumann) <br />Discussion on 80A Tax Forfeited Land <br />Goiffon made motion, Barnes seconded, to approve the following Consent Agenda: <br />Minutes for City Council meeting of March 3, 1997 <br />Minutes for City Council meeting of March 5, 1997 <br />General claims for March 17, 1997 <br />Use of Historic School House (Ramberg) <br />Charitable Gambling License (Hugo Fire Relief Association) <br />1997 Garbage Haulers Licenses <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MASTER PARK PLAN UPDATE <br />Mr. Tim Agness, co-chair of the City's Park Planning Committee, was present at <br />the meeting to provide the Council an update on his group's progress in preparing <br />a Master Park Plan for the community. Mr. Agness stated that another <br />"community" meeting should be held sometime in April, and questioned how <br />residents would be notified. The City Administrator suggested that the meeting be <br />publicized in the City's Spring Newsletter. <br />FOREST LAKE TIMES <br />At the Council meeting of March 3, 1997, the Council requested that a <br />representative of the Forest Lake Times discuss, with the Council, their charging a <br />fee for the delivery of the paper to residents of the City of Hugo. Mr. Howard <br />Lestrud, editor of the Times, was not able to meet with the Council at this <br />evening's meeting, but will be available on April 7. <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, to table this matter until April 7, 1997. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />