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City Council meeting of March 17, 1997 <br />Page 2 <br />RFP FOR PROPERTY APPRAISAL SERVICES <br />As a result of the public hearing conducted by the Council on March 3, 1997, <br />regarding the extension of the municipal services and certain street improvements <br />to the Peloquin Industrial Park, the City Attorney prepared proposals for appraisal <br />services. It is the intent of this document to seek qualified appraisers to assist the <br />City in determining the value to be received by individual parcels from the project. <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, to approve the RFP for property appraisals <br />services for the extension of municipal services and certain street improvements to <br />the Peloquin Industrial Park and adjacent area. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />INDUSTRIAL SITE PLAN APPROVAL - WILSON TOOL <br />Wilson Tool, 12912 Farnham Avenue, has applied for site plan approval for the <br />addition of a 40,850 sq. ft. building east of Farnham Ave. and south of the recently <br />constructed 36,200 sq. ft. building. The exterior of the building will match the <br />other Wilson Tool buildings in the area. The Rice Creek Watershed District has <br />approved the proposed site plan changes, and recommended approval of the site <br />plan as proposed. Councilmember Barnes questioned the outlet/weir for the large <br />pond because of previous discussions on downstream flooding. The City should <br />make sure the pond is functioning property before contributing additional water. <br />Barnes made motion, Miron seconded, to approve the Site Plan for Wilson Tool to <br />construct a 40,850 sq ft addition east of Farnham Avenue and south of their <br />36,200 sq ft building, according to the submitted site plan. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, directing staff to contact the RCWD to <br />determine if the City needs to be doing anything to make sure that the Wilson Tool <br />pond was functioning properly. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />INDUSTRIAL SITE PLAN APPROVAL - RIERMAN <br />Mr. Fred Riermann owner of American Structural Metals, 15152 Freeland Ave. <br />No., has requested site plan approval to construct a 14,100 sq. ft. addition to his <br />existing 13,720 sq. ft. building. The plans, as presented, meet all setback <br />requirements and the Rice Creek Watershed District has approved the site plan. <br />