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City Council meeting of April 7, 1997 <br />Page 2 <br />Motion made by Barnes, seconded by Johnson to table this request until April 21, <br />1997 and the following questions have been answered: <br />1. Certification is received from competent authority that the first floor elevation <br />of the proposed addition complies with current flood plain regulations. <br />2. A parking plan is received in accordance with Chapter 219. <br />3. A landscaping plan is provided in accordance with Chapter 320-5, Subd. K. <br />4. Final inspections are conducted as required for existing buildings on the site and <br />certificates of occupancy are issued. <br />5. The project is reviewed and approved, if required, by the Rice Creek Watershed <br />District. <br />6. Septic system plans are reviewed by Washington County HELM. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />Rezoning - LaCasse <br />Mr. Gary LaCasse, 16953 Forest Blvd., has requested to rezone approximately <br />three acres of property located in the southeast corner of 170th Street and Forest <br />Blvd., from agriculture to industrial. It is Mr. LaCasse's intent to use the property <br />as a residence while constructing a 42'X 80' garage on the site for his truck repair <br />business. Administrator Museus stated that the request would constitute spot <br />zoning and the comprehensive plan recommends that area become commercial. <br />Mayor Miron arrived at 7:40PM. <br />Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Barnes to recommend denial of the request <br />of Gary LaCasse and directed the City Attorney to prepare Findings of Fact for the <br />denial. <br />AYE: Barnes, Goiffon, Leroux, Miron <br />NAY: Johnson <br />Motion carried. <br />Forest Lake Times - Howard Lestrud <br />Mr. Howard Lestrud of the Forest Lake Times stated it was strictly a business <br />decision to charge for delivery service in Hugo and to discontinue delivery of the <br />complimentary Peach to all residences in Hugo. Residents are charged different <br />rates based on the carrier service hired by ECM Publishers. <br />