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City Council meeting of April 7, 1997 <br />Page 3 <br />Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Miron to retain the Forest Lake Times as <br />the City's official newspaper, but to also publish public notices in the White Bear <br />Press as a courtesy to city residents. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />Fire Department Report <br />The Fire Chief has requested a workshop meeting with the Council to discuss Fire <br />Department issues including budget, equipment replacement, etc. He has indicated <br />a preference for the last week in April, if possible. <br />Motion made by Barnes, seconded by Leroux to schedule a workshop with the Hugo <br />Volunteer Fire Department on April 29th, 7:30PK Hugo City Hall. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />150th Street/Ineersoll Avenue Improvement Project Bids <br />Motion made by Barnes, seconded by Miron to award the contract for <br />construction of 150th Street/Ingersoll Avenue Improvement Project to RO-SO <br />Contracting as recommended by the city engineer. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />Cash Surety Request (RCWD) <br />The City of Hugo proposed to the RCWD that the City post an escrow to <br />guarantee construction of the mitigation wetlands required for construction of <br />150th Street near the City's new Post Office. This would allow a delay in the <br />construction of the new wetlands until plans are prepared for the regional ponds <br />proposed along Clearwater Creek. The intent here is that the money that would be <br />used to construct the mitigation wetlands for 150th Street would be used for the <br />improvement of Clearwater Creek. Based on the City Engineer's cost estimate, <br />the RCWD has requested an escrow of $23,000. The City would commit to <br />constructing the required wetlands by November 1, 1998. <br />Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Goiffon to approve Resolution 97-5. <br />AYE: Barnes, Goiffon, Leroux, Miron <br />NAY: Johnson <br />Motion carried. <br />