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MINUTES FOR THE CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP OF 04/28/97 <br />The meeting was called to order by acting Mayor, Jim Leroux, at 7:55PM. <br />PRESENT: Barnes, Goiffon, Leroux (Mayor Miron arrived at 8:03PM). <br />City Finance Officer, Ron Otkin <br />Fire Chief, Jim Wisner <br />Firefighter, Joe McMahon <br />City Clerk, Mary Ann Creager <br />ABSENT: Debi Johnson <br />The workshop was called to review the Fire Department's year-end report, as well as <br />requested 1997 budget changes. Ron Otkin reviewed the Department's requested <br />changes, stating that they would not affect their budget's bottom line. The changes <br />requested consisted of an increase in the 1 st officers and secretary's wages, and creation <br />of a new Department position, Chief of Operations. Ron Otkin stated that salaries should <br />be changed by resolution. (Mayor Miron arrived at 8:03PM). <br />Leroux made motion, Goiffon seconded, to approve requested budget changes as <br />proposed by the Fire Chief, other than salary increases. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Leroux made motion, Barnes seconded, directing staff to prepare a resolution reflecting <br />Fire Department salary increases. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />1996 YEAR-END REPORT <br />Chief Wisner requested that the 1998 budget process include a Vehicle Replacement Fund <br />to eliminate the need for a referendum to purchase fire trucks. Ron Otkin stated that <br />legislative -mandated levy limits nullify this type of fund. Other means of raising money to <br />fund such purchases were discussed. The Council asked that the Chief provide the <br />Council with the following: <br />1. Breakdown of location of traffic -related rescue alarms to determine if there is a <br />site pattern. <br />2. Provide the Council with a formal request to create a new Fire Department position <br />(Chief of Operations), outlining the position's job description. <br />3. Discuss possibility of creating a "PR" position on the Department. <br />