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1997.08.04 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1997 CC Minutes
1997.08.04 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of August 4, 1997 <br />Page 2 <br />CULVERT AT 16797 ELMCREST AVENUE <br />Mr. Mouala Mouacheupao requested that the Council waive the requirement placed on <br />the above property for a concrete culvert, and allow a standard metal culvert to be <br />installed. Adoption of the Consent Agenda will allow the emplacement of a standard <br />metal culvert for the driveway at 16797 Elmcrest Avenue. <br />ASSESSMENT HEARING (PELOOUIN INDUSTRIAL PARK) <br />A public hearing was scheduled to consider making assessments for proposed <br />improvements in the Peloquin Industrial Park and adjacent areas through the paving of <br />roads, curb and gutters, storm sewer, and the extension of sewer and water services. <br />Notice of the hearing was individually mailed to each property owner of record notifying <br />them of a proposed assessment equal to the increase in property values that their property <br />would receive based on an appraisal performed by Lake States Realty. The public hearing <br />was called to order with the following comments being made: <br />John Peloquin, 15.175 Forest Blvd., presented the Council with a signed petition objecting <br />to the assessments until the City redesigns the project to provide better long-term water <br />service, obtain supplemental funding, and correct unfair proposed assessments. He also <br />spoke on behalf of his father, Vern Peloquin, stating that the assessment to Vem's <br />property as too high. He also requested that his property (John's) be included in the area <br />to be serviced by sewer. <br />Paul Zisla, representing Dean and Ruby Atkinson and the Glamos Family, stated <br />opposition to the assessment because of too many problems associated with the project: <br />project design, unfair assessments, lack of alternative funding sources, and lack of an <br />approved Comp Plan. Mr. Zisla's expands on these topics in his assessment appeal dated <br />August 4, 1997. John Payton's and John Sul ivan's, Westwood Engineering, comments <br />are also outlined in Mr. Zisla's letter of appeal. <br />Dean Thompson, attorney representing Fred Riermann, stated that Mr. Riermann did not <br />request the improvements, and offered the following comments: Mr. Riermann has many <br />parcels and would like to keep property as one unit, appraisal value disagrees with figures <br />received from their private appraisal, does not need or want sewer, and no TIF offered in <br />conjunction with the project. <br />Dean Atkinson, 13452 Goodview Avenue, was opposed to the large assessment <br />Bev Aplikowski, 1742 Gramsie Road, Arden Hills, MN., was not opposed to the <br />improvements, but felt that the assessments were excessive, and requested that all of her <br />property be included in sewer extension, and not split into separate projects. <br />
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