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City Council meeting of August 18, 1997 <br />Page 2 <br />BFI WASTE HAULERS <br />The City received a request from Action Disposal, an entity of BFI of Minnesota, Inc., to <br />transfer the waste hauling license from BFI of Minnesota, Inc., to BFI Waste Systems of <br />North America, Inc., as part of a corporate restructuring. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved transfer of the waste hauling license. <br />PURCHASE OF FILE SERVER <br />In 1996, the City accepted bids for the purchase of personal computers for City staff, as <br />well as a file server. At that time, it was determined to purchase the equipment from <br />Tautges Redpath in two increments, the first being the purchase of personal computers. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved purchase of the file server, related software, <br />and hookup services for the system at a cost of $11,550.00. <br />PARTIAL PAYMENT (150TH STREET PROJECT) <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved partial payment of $48,266.17 to Ro-So <br />Contracting for the installation of sewer and water, as well as street construction for the <br />Post Office site. <br />ORDINANCE COMPLAINT (17866 FOXHILL) <br />The City received a complaint regarding the debris accumulating at the above address. <br />The City's Building Official conducted an inspection of the property in September, 1996, <br />and discovered numerous unlicensed vehicles, tires, various auto parts, construction <br />materials and equipment, and other miscellaneous debris lying about the property. The <br />property owner, Mr. Jarosiewicz, was notified of the violation, and was requested to bring <br />his property into compliance on May 2, 1997. An inspection by the City's Building <br />Official on May 5, 1997 indicated that no progress has been made to clean up the site, and <br />the matter was brought before the Council on June 2, 1997. Mrs. Yvonne Jarosiewicz, <br />present at that meeting, asked the City Council for 30 days to clean up the site, a request <br />that the Council granted, with the direction that staff inspect the site, and report findings <br />to the Council on July 7, 1997. On July 7th, staff reported that progress in cleaning up the <br />site, but had not fully responded to ordinance requirements, and recommended granting of <br />an additional 30 days to complete cleanup the site. Again, the Council granted the <br />request. On August 12, 1997, the City's Building Official conducted another inspection <br />and determined that the property had been brought into compliance with City ordinances. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, that cleanup of the property at 17866 Foxhill <br />Avenue complies with City ordinances, and no further action is necessary at this time. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />