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1997.08.18 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1997 CC Minutes
1997.08.18 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of August 18, 1997 <br />Page 3 <br />OFF -SALE LIQUOR LICENSE ICLASSIC HOLDINGS/END ZONE) <br />Classic Holdings, Inc., 13891 Forest Blvd., D.B.A. The End Zone, requested an off -sale <br />liquor license and paid the appropriate application fee. This business was subject to a <br />background investigation as part of their application for an on -sale liquor license, and Mr. <br />Kramarczuk, the principal owner of the business, provided the City evidence of general <br />and liquor liability in the amounts required by ordinance. Staff recommended approval of <br />the license. <br />Miron made motion, Goiffon seconded, to approve the request of Classic Holdings, Inc., <br />13891 Forest Blvd., D.B.A. The End Zone, for an off -sale liquor license. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />UTILITY EXTENSION REQUEST IFENWAY AVENUE) <br />Mr. Spencer Arndt, 14134 Fenway Avenue, has requested the extension of utilities along <br />Fenway Avenue, north of 140th Street, to serve his property. Mr. Arndt desires to <br />subdivide his approximately five acre parcel into two lots. Fenway Avenue currently <br />marks the boundary of the City's MUSA, with the east side of the road being in, and the <br />west side out. The Forest Lake trunk interceptor runs down Fenway Avenue. Municipal <br />water is available from the Oneka Estates subdivision, and would be looped from 140th <br />Street to 142nd Street. The City of Hugo acquired one half the cost of constructing <br />improvements to the street from the Oneka Lakes development, but not utilities. In <br />addition, the alignment of Fenway Avenue is proposed to move farther to the east, in <br />order to line up with the proposed construction of Fenway Avenue, south of 140th Street. <br />As the Arndts do not own 3 5% of the front frontage on Fenway Avenue, which would be <br />improved under the proposed project, this would need to be handled as a Council -initiated <br />improvement. Mr. Arndt was present at the meeting, and informed that no action can be <br />taken on his request until the City obtains approval of its Comp Plan from Metro Council. <br />Miron made motion, Leroux seconded, directing City staff to include Fenway Avenue, <br />north of 140th Street, as part of the plans and specs for Fenway Avenue, south of 140th <br />Street. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DRAFT ORDINANCE REGULATING THE SALE OF TOBACCO <br />The Council considered a draft ordinance, prepared by the City Attorney, regulating the <br />sale of tobacco in the City of Hugo. This ordinance was drafted in response to Council <br />direction, and at the behest of the Washington County Department of Health. State law <br />requires that purveyors of tobacco be given a 30 -day notice before the adoption of any <br />new ordinance regulating the sale of this product. <br />
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