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City Council meeting of November 17, 1997 <br />Page 3 <br />Association holding the City harmless for damages and claims as a result of use of the <br />trail, as well as copy of the Association's liability insurance identifying the City of Hugo as <br />an additional named insured. Jack Perkovich, Washington County Public Works, has <br />stated that they will likely approve use of the property for the trail, if this acceptable to the <br />City. The north side of the trail, at 180th Street, will connect the trail through Forest <br />Lake Township. The City is unaware of any connection at 120th Street, though it would <br />be legal for snowmobiles to gain connection from adjacent residential properties in Hugo. <br />Concern for the trail's crossing of Hardwood Creek north of 177th Street is being worked <br />on by the Club with Washington County. Given a satisfactory resolution to this problem, <br />staff recommended approval of the trail subject to conditions outlined in a draft resolution <br />including an additional conditions (#9) stating: Approval is subject to the City. Engineer's <br />review and approval of the trail's crossing of Hardwood Creek, including appropriate <br />satisfactory signage. <br />Miron made motion, Goiffon seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1997-21, A <br />RESOLUTION GRANTING AUTHORITY TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A <br />SNOWMOBILE TRAIL IN THE CITY OF HUGO. <br />VOTING AYE: Arcand, Barnes, Goiffon, Leroux, Miron <br />Motion Carried. <br />PETITION TO BAN HUNTING ON THE NORTH END OF BALD EAGLE LAKE <br />The Council considered a petition signed by approximately 31 residents Oak Shore Park <br />requesting the City adopt regulations to either ban or limit the discharge of firearms on the <br />north end of Bald Eagle Lake. Jackie Potts, Becky Petryk, Kathy Peterson, and Charlotte <br />Zylstra, all residents at the north end of the lake, illustrated individual problems that they <br />have had with duck hunters. Councilman Leroux felt it necessary that the City take a <br />comprehensive look at the City's existing ordinance regulating shooting within the City. <br />He stated that he would take the lead in working on a committee to consider drafting an <br />amended ordinance. <br />Barnes made motion, Leroux seconded, that Council members Leroux and Barnes <br />recommend a committee to review the existing City shooting ordinance for possible <br />amendments, for approval by the City Council at their meeting of 12/1/97. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PURCHASE AGREEMENT (MOLTTOR PROPERTY) <br />The Council considered a Purchase Agreement for the acquisition of approximately 47 <br />acres on industrially -zoned property owned by Roy Molitor. The property is located <br />south of 140th Street and west of TH61 and will be acquired in conjunction with <br />expansion of the Bald Eagle Industrial Park. <br />