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<# a f_':o6:1nti l m@@ting of January i, 1996 <br />Page <br />COMPREHENSIVE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT FLAN <br />Mr. Todd Hubmer.of OSM was present at the meetinq to discuss his <br />memorandum of December 18, 1.995 regarding changes to the City of Hugo's <br />proposed Comprehensive Storm Water Manaqement Flan, recommended in <br />response to comments received from watershed districts, the DNR, and other <br />agencies. <br />Leroux made motion, Goiffon seconded, to approve the changes to the draft. <br />Comprehensive Storm Water Manaqement Flan as recommended by the City <br />Council at tonight's meetinq. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />LAKE AIR DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT <br />Mr. Hubmer provided the Council with an update on the City's efforts to <br />lower the elevation of the Wilson Tool pond for the purpose of draining <br />the ditches in the Lake Air Estates subdivision for maintenance. <br />FIRE HALL COMMITTEE REPORT <br />At the Council meeting of December 18, 1995, action was tabled on the <br />report of the Fire Hall BUildinq Committee until tonight's meetinq in <br />order to allow members of the Committee adequate time to prepare written <br />comments for Council consideration. Committee members Wally Stolt man, <br />Dan Davis, and Greg Burmeister- addressed the Council verbal.i inq their <br />written comments. Because the downtown redevelopment program is beinq <br />implemented, the Council felt the location of a Fire Hall could be <br />considered at the same time. Financing is also a major consideration, and <br />the Council requested a financial analysis be provided for discussion at a <br />workshop to be scheduled at a later date. <br />Miron made motion, Barnes seconded, to direct the City's Finance Director <br />prepare debt service estimates for the proposed improvements to Peloqui.n <br />Industrial Parti; and the Oak Shore Park area, as well as construction of a <br />new Fire Hall.. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />FIRE FIGHTER DISCIPLINARY RL --COMMENDATION <br />The Chief of the Hugo Volunteer Fire Department recommended that the <br />Council take disciplinary action against a member of the Department, as <br />the member has not met the attendance requirements of Section 1209 of the; <br />SOP, during the 2nd and =rd quarters of 1995. <br />Lerou:: made motion, Goiffon seconded, to establish a discipline hearing <br />date for February 5, 1996, at 8:30 PM, Hugo City Hall, to consider the <br />recommended disciplinary action against a member of the Hugo Volunteer <br />Fire Department. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />