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1996.01.08 CC Minutes - Oak Shore Park Improvements
City Council
City Council Minutes
1996 CC Minutes
1996.01.08 CC Minutes - Oak Shore Park Improvements
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Minutes for the special Hugo City Council Meeting of January 8, 1996 <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fran Miron at 7:(-)4:) PM. <br />PRESENT: Barnes, Goiffon, LaValle, LeroUX. Mi.ron <br />City Administrator, Robert MUseUs <br />City Engineer, Tom Angus <br />City Clerk, Mary Ann Creager <br />The special meeting was called to conduct a public hearing to consider the <br />making of improvements in the Oak:shore Park subdivision and certain <br />property south of the subdivision. The City Engineer was present to <br />explain the various options relative to the project for residents present <br />for the hearing. <br />At this time, the Mayor read letters of opposition from the following <br />residents involved in the proposed project: Denise and David Hurry, 12357 <br />Ethan Avenue, Fruth Lotsof, 12277 Ethan Avenue. David K.omareL;, 1277 Ethan <br />Avenue, and Robert Zylstra, 12329 Ethan Avenue. <br />The Mayor then opened the public_ hear.inq, with the following being a <br />summation of the oral comments made by residents present at the hearing: <br />Jeanette Leete, 4779 126th Street: thought that the project was a good <br />idea mainly because of environmental issues. <br />Dan Komarek.. 1 277 Ethan Avenue: reiterated his written comments of <br />opposition to the project because of increased traffic and speed, new <br />septic system, road scenic, bike trail to "no where", and loss of front <br />yard to road and path construction. <br />Doug Youel, 4749 122nd Street: was in favor of the project because of the <br />need for new well and septic system in the future. <br />James Trossen, 4889 126th Street: felt that the cost of the project was <br />too high, and not necessarily better economically to combine with the <br />Woods of bald Eagle project. <br />Bob Zylstra, 12329 Ethan Avenue: reiterated his written comments stating <br />reasons for opposing the project. <br />,:John Good, 125,35 Ethan Avenue: apposed the project because NURP ponds <br />would F?l.i.minate a large part of his property. <br />Jess Roush. 4776 1 6th Street: opposed to bike path, widening of Ethan <br />Avenue, storm sewer, and road improvements. Mr. Roush did not oppose <br />e>;tens ic_-n of water and sewer to the Oak•.shore Park:. subdivision. <br />Dave RUStad . 475•x' 1' 6th Street: felt that project cost was too nigh. <br />Robert Hard.inq. 12096 Everton Avenue: que tioned the effect of storm <br />water runoff to property owners south of 12nd Street, and concerned with <br />increased traffic speed by his residence. <br />George Andersen, 4669 126th Street: opposed to bike path. Mr. Good's NURP <br />pond, and drainage ditches. <br />
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