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Oakshore Park Public Hearing_ <br />January 8. 1996 <br />P a a e 2 <br />Gordy Spielman, 1264 Europa Avenue: opposed to project because of high <br />cost, and people do not want the improvements. <br />Donna Engel, 12497 Ethan Avenue: felt that if improvements were being <br />done because of health problems that all homes should be included. <br />Opposed to project because of high cost, increased speed and traffic, bike <br />path "dumb" idea, and get rid of geese! <br />John Gion, 1.2599 Europa Avenue: opposed to project because of high cost; <br />might have to move. <br />Urian Erickson, 4929 126th Street: in favor of street, water, and sewer <br />improvements. <br />Jeff Peterson, 12598 Ethan Avenue: opposed to bike path to "no where; <br />taking of 50' trees; cost too high; make sure Woods of Fuld Eagle goes in <br />before going ahead with this project. <br />Pete Pedersen, 4826 126th Street: petition was obtained in an effort to <br />get an idea of $$ for improvements; asked how value of their park would <br />affect improvement costs; and asked City assistance in project costs. <br />The public hearing was closed at 9:.1.3 PM. <br />The Mayor then opened the meeting for Council discus= -ion. After Council <br />discussion regarding the proposed improvements, the following motion was <br />made: <br />Mi.ron made (notion. Leroux: seconded, to table this matter Until the City <br />[:;ounCil meeting of February 20, 1996 in order- to obtain additional <br />information regarding the follow.inq matters: <br />1. Determine how many septic systems and wells have needed to be replaced <br />in the project area. <br />Obtain five (5) random appraisals to determine whether home values <br />would increase proportionately with assessments. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Barnes made motion, LaValle seconded, to recess tonight's meeting at <br />PM until January 10. 1995, at 7:30 PM. to conduct a joint meeting with the <br />Planning Commission for further discussion of the Comprehensive Flan. <br />All. aye. Motion Carried. <br />Mary A n Creacier. y Clerk <br />