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MINUTES FOR THE HUGO_CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 16. 1996 <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fran Miron at 7.05 PM. <br />PRESENT: Barnes, Goiffon, LaValle, Leroux, Miron <br />City Administrator, Robert MUseus <br />City Attorney. Greg_ Galler <br />City Engineer, Tom Angus <br />City Clerk. Mary Ann Creager <br />ADDITIONS TO AGENDA <br />Schedule joint meeting with Lino Lakes <br />K.en Strantz (HUgo Snowmobile Club) <br />Leroux made motion, Barnes seconded, to approve the following Consent <br />Agenda: <br />Minutes for the City Council meeting of January 2, 1996 <br />Minutes for the City Council meetinq_ of January G.. 1996 <br />Claims for January 16, 1996 <br />Country Fonds Letter of Credit Reduction <br />1.996 Board of Review Dates <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />F_I !ESL I C _ IMPROVEMENT HEATING S FEL OGlU I N_ INDUSTRIAL PARk. ). <br />A public hearing was called to consider constructinq public- improvements <br />in the Peloquin Industrial Park, including sanitary sewer, municipal <br />water, storm sewer, and improved streets. The City Engineer reviewed <br />Alternate=_ A and B for the Council and concerned residents. The public <br />hearing was called to order with the following comments/questions being <br />addressed to the Council: <br />Jim Kell.i<.son, representing Imperial Tool, stated that it was time to <br />improve the pari:., and suggested that grants be looked into as a way of <br />offsetting improvement costs. <br />Dave Schwartz, 15195 Forest Blvd., stated that he did not want utility <br />lines in his back yard, and that the Peloquin family was concerned with <br />the impact of gravity sewer on their property. <br />RicV'. FUrr. 15557 Forest Blvd., is not included in the improvement area, <br />and questioned whether his business, as well as others, could be included <br />in the proiact. <br />Vern Peloclt..tin. 15198 Forest Blvd., was in favor of the project, and asked <br />about crossing Highway 61 and stubbing services to his property. <br />Hubbard Broadcasting questioned costs to the=m for improvements. <br />Joe Glamos, 5561. 152nd Street, asked if the Fark was complete; who would <br />be responsible for road maintenance; if Outside of MUSA, would you pay for <br />sewer; and cost of improvements high, and would increase property value <br />along with taxes. <br />