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mP@, ::itnq of January 16. 1996 <br />Pacle 2 <br />Dean Atkinson asked about assessment costs and how assessment is <br />determined. <br />Joe Marier stated that he would like to see the gravity system checked <br />into, and future developers share in the cost. <br />The public hearing was closed at 7:55 PM. <br />The Council then discussed the project and felt that more information is <br />needed before a firm decision could be made <br />Leroux: made motion, LaValle seconded, to table this matter until the <br />Council meeting of March 4. 1996 to allow time to provide the following <br />information: <br />1. City Engineer identify the capacity of Oneka Lake Blvd lift station. <br />2. City Engineer review the potential of serving the Peloguin Industrial. <br />Park be gravity main to the Forest Lake trunk interceptor. <br />3. City Administrator provide a possible assessment roll. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Ell DFL._AFOREST(C15M ) <br />Mr. Ed DeLaForest of OSM addressed the Council regarding his firm's <br />continued provision of municipal engineer services to the City and <br />introduced new employee, Mark Angelo, who would handle any water issues in <br />the City. <br />CONTRACT FOR SUPPLEMENTa^sl... LAW ENFORCEMEN'I' SERVICES <br />In 1995, the City entered into an Agreement with communities abutting Bald <br />Eagle Lake to provide additional law enforcement on the lake. This was <br />done at the request of adjacent property owners. The Council reviewed an <br />Agreement between the Cit;. of Hugo, White Bear Township, and the Ramsey <br />County Sheriff's Department to provide these services during the 1995!96 <br />winter season. The total. cost to all communities is not to exceed <br />$5,12C). The City of Hugo's share of this cost is expected to be $9(-)1-).()r). <br />The Council questioned staff as to any positive negative feedback received <br />by the City for the additional law enforcement. <br />Mir -on made motion. LerC;ux seconded, to approve the Supplemental Law <br />Enforcement Services subject to suggested changes made by the City <br />Attorney, and direct staff to survey area residents to determine Ser,,,.i.ce <br />SUCCesS . <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />POST OF F I CE UPI:)ATE <br />The I.J.S. Postal Service recently informed the City that they intend to <br />begin design of the new Post Office for the City of Hugo in the near <br />future. This will require the City to consider taking zoning action on <br />the property proposed for the Post Office and implementing a Capital <br />Improvement Project to provide municipal services to the site. <br />