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MINUTES FOR THE JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF <br />MARCH 11, 1996 <br />The meeting was reconvened from the Council meetinq of March 4, 1996, as <br />well as the Planning Commission meeting of February 27, 1996, at 7:30 PM. <br />COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Barnes, Goiffon, LaValle, Leroux, Miron <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Peltier, Agness, Schumann, Malaski, <br />Waller, Rubenzer, Peltier <br />PC ABSENT: Jim Kellison <br />OTHERS PRESENT: <br />City Administrator, Robert Museus <br />City Finance Director, Ron Otkin <br />City Attorney, Greg Galler <br />City Engineer, Tom Angus <br />Loucks and Associates, Ed Elliott <br />Loucks and Associates, Tom Loucks <br />WSB, Todd Hubmer <br />Ehlers and Associates, Carolyn DrUde <br />The purpose of the meeting was to hear a staff report regarding the <br />planning for the development of the Bald Eagle Industrial Park and <br />Clearwater Creek corridor. The City Administrator briefly outlined the <br />original concept for planning the expansion of the Bald Eagle Industrial <br />Park, as well as the extension of streets, utilities, and storm water <br />improvements north from the Parti: to C.R. 8. He then explained that the <br />planning strategy has changed due to timing issues related, to the <br />acquisition of an 80 acre tax forfeited parcel lying alonq Clearwater <br />Creek, and the need to tie in the project to the downtown planning efforts <br />currently underway, and which are not scheduled to be completed until <br />August, 1996. The new planning strategy would include three projects: <br />1. Planning for the Clearwater Creek. "Greenway", which would be timed <br />based on DNR decisions to provide funding for the project, as well as <br />the practical need to wait !until the next legislative session to <br />introduce a land -use bill to acquire the tax forfeited parcel. <br />2. Bald Eagle Plan Industrial Development Phase 1 would continue and be <br />completed by May •_ti. 1996. The area included will be bound by 134th <br />Street and Falcon Avenue. This would allow the City to be prepared to <br />capture potential business development in the area this year. <br />Bald Eagle Plan Industrial Development Phase would tie in the City's <br />downtown planning efforts with a>;pansion of the Industrial Park, and <br />be done when more information is available from the downtown planning <br />process, the "Greenway" planning process, and Bald Eagle Phase .1. <br />Ed Elliott of Loucks and Associates, land -use r_-,lanners for the Bald Eagle <br />Industrial Parti:., briefly spoke abQUt his firm' = oroQosed contributions to <br />the process, to inr_lude development of their overall land -use plan <br />buffering non -compatible land uses and site design. Mr. Elliott was <br />followed by Tom Angus, who talked of the street, utility, rail, and other <br />infrastructure needs of the planned development. Todd Hubmer of WSB spoke <br />regarding watershed management concerns and development of a strategy and <br />plan to handle the increased storm water runoff of the proposed project <br />