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City Council meeting of March 11, 1996 <br />Page c <br />and tying them into the overall needs of the subwatershed. Fon Otkin <br />presented the Council with the overall cost estimate for the planning <br />process for Bald Eagle Industrial Parti:. Phase 1, as well as potential <br />future expenses for development of the "Greenway" corridor strategy. <br />There was a substantial audience (50+) for the presentation, largely <br />comprised of owners of property along Clearwater Creek. They asked many <br />questions regarding the reasoning behind the need for the streets proposed <br />for the area, and expressed concerns for the impact of the proposed <br />"Greenway" on their properties. <br />The Council and Planning Commission then discussed the issues presented at <br />the meeting, and were in consensus on the City's need to plan for future <br />development of the area in order to avoid haphazard development and <br />improve the City's tan; base. <br />Leroux made motion, Barnes seconded, to direct staff to continue planning <br />for the Bald Eagle Industrial Parti:. Phase i at a cost not to exceed <br />$51,200.00. <br />VOTING AYE: Barnes, Goiffon, Leroux, Miron <br />VOTING NAY: LaValle <br />Motion Carried. <br />Barnes made motion, Goiffon seconded, to transfer $46.87-'. from the Capita <br />Improvement Fund into the General Fund Planning Account to pay for the <br />planning effort. <br />After discussion, LaValle made a motion. Goiffon seconded, to amend the <br />transfer to include $3,500 in engineering expenses already expended in the <br />project to bring the total transfer to $50.3.75. <br />.'OTE ON AMENDMENT: All aye. Motion Carried. <br />VOTE ON ORIGINAL MOTION: All aye. Motion Carried. <br />The Council then discussed meeting with Fire Chief, Jim Wisner, to discuss <br />the Department's 1995 Annual Report and the site selection criteria <br />proposed by the Fire Department for the location of a new Fire Hall. In <br />order to allow for this meeting, the following motion was made: <br />Barnes made motion, Leroux seconded, to recess tonight's meeting at 10:3.0 <br />Pil until 9:15 AM on March 14, 1996. <br />H11 aye. Motion Carried. <br />Rc-lbert A. MUSeus <br />C::ity Administrator <br />