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MINUTES FOR THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 14. 1996 <br />The Mayor reconvened the City Council meeting from March 11, 1996 at 9:0 <br />AM. <br />PRESENT: Barnes, Goiffon, LaValle, Leroux„ Miron <br />City Administrator, Robert Museus <br />Fire Chief, Jim Wisner <br />Assistant Chiefs, Jim Compton and Joe McMahon <br />This meeting was called to review the Fire Department's 1995 Annual <br />Report, budget requests by the Department, and site selection criteria for <br />the proposed Fire Hall. <br />The Council, and the representatives from the Fire Department present, <br />went over the 1995 Annual Fire Department Report in detail, and discussed <br />the Department's training program, possible ways to recognize the <br />contribution of the fire fighters, and future needs of the Department. <br />Joe McMahon presented the Council with a list of equipment purchases <br />desired by the Department in 1996, including gas -operated exhaust fans, <br />replacement hose, a foam system for a grassfire vehicle, and the purchase <br />of additional foam for fire fighting. Council indicated that as long as <br />the equipment to be purchased was within the existing budget, they had no <br />objection to the Chief, and the City Administrator, making the purchases, <br />as required within their expenditure authority. <br />The Chief then requested that the City replace the current stipend paid to <br />certain fire fighters for attaining attendance goals with a drill -pay <br />system, paying each member one hour's pay for each drill attended. The <br />Chief stated that if this policy had been in effect in 1995, its cost <br />would have been $2,730 versus the $1,350 stipend paid. The Chief felt <br />that this system would be an inducement for fire fighters to attend <br />drills, and would also aid in recruiting new fire fighters. He <br />recommended that the City transfer $2,000 from the community education <br />account in the Fire budget, to the pay account to cover the additional <br />costs. The Department has been successful in acquiring the educational <br />material through community donations so that the transfer would be no loss <br />to the Department's educational activity. After Council discussion, the <br />following motion was made: <br />Barnes made motion, Goiffon seconded, to change the City pay policies by <br />deleting current stipend pay, and instead pay each fire fighter one hour's <br />pay for each drill they attend in 1996. This policy is to be retroactive <br />to January 1, 1996. In addition, $2,000 is to be transferred from the <br />education portion of the Department's budget into the pay account to cover <br />the additional cost of this program. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />The Chief stated his concerns that one of the Department's two tankers had <br />excessive play in its front axle, and would not meet MNDOT road safety <br />requirements. Cost of repairs is expected to be in the area of $2,500. <br />Chief Wisner felt that the cost of repair may exceed the value of the <br />vehicle. The Council directed the Chief to prepare a recommendation on <br />whether to repair or replace the vehicle, and to determine if the second <br />